Google Profile Cards
These cards will allow a user to create his or her own profile, which will detail their job, social media handles, a bio, and more. These will then appear right on the Google search results. You know how when you search for a celebrity, you’ll see a card with all of their information? That’s exactly how this will work, but for us non-famous people too.
If you want to try this out, you can search (on Google, duh) the phrase “add me to search” when you’re logged into your Google account. You’ll be directed to a page that will let you set up your profile card. Mandatory fields include you name, occupation, location, and a bio, but you can add in as much more information as you’d like.
You can include your education information, as well as your social media links and personal website if you have one. For those who are really comfortable with giving out their information publicly, there will also be an option to give out your email and phone number as well.

Creating A Public Profile On Google
While this has a lot of positive uses, there are of course some negative sides as well. Since anyone can create a search result this way, it opens the door up for plenty of abuse. Imagine trolls and more sinister harassers creating fake cards for people they want to target, which will then be publicly available to be viewed anyone who searches your name.
In order to try to combat this, Google has made an option available that will allow user to flag a card that may include false information or may have been created by a troll. You’ll be able to delete or edit cards whenever you like as well.
For now, Google is starting to roll out this service in India first. The company has not yet announced if or when this service will be available in other countries. We wonder how these will go down.
What do you think of this service? Would you set up a personal card for search purposes?