The New Samsung Galaxy Is Here, And You Can Fold It

Published on March 20, 2019

Ever since the first smart phone came out, it seems like phone companies are constantly trying to outdo their competition (and themselves) by making each new phone that’s released the latest and greatest. It almost feels as if the moment you buy a phone, it becomes obsolete.

Samsung Galaxy Fold
Samsung Galaxy Fold

Every time a new phone comes out with new features, it’s always exciting to see how it’s been improved. But that doesn’t mean that with every new phone release, there is a revolutionary change. Sometimes the changes that are made are just improvements on existing features. Other times, a new phone is released that changes the way we think about mobile devices.

When the first iPhone came out, it’s safe to say that the way we looked at phones changed forever. It’s been quite some time since then, and smartphones have truly come a long way.

Samsung is about to release a phone that will certainly change the game. The new Samsung Galaxy Fold will do just that: fold. What does that mean? Well, the phone is a hybrid between a smartphone and a tablet, with the ability to fold and unfold seamlessly.

The New Foldable Galaxy Phone
The New Foldable Galaxy Phone

If you want to use the device as a regular mobile device, you can use it in its folded up form. However, if you need to multitask (especially on to go) and you’d benefit from using multiple apps at once, much like multiple tabs on a computer), then the larger screen which unfolds is the perfect solution for you.

When you fold and unfold the device, it alternates between phone and tablet mode, so you get the best of both worlds without having to compromise quality on either end.

Multitasking With The New Galaxy Fold
Multitasking With The New Galaxy Fold

While this is an impressive feat, the foldable phone is not exclusive to Samsung. Huawei and TCL have also announced their folding phones, but none of the three companies have released the phone yet, not even to members of the press.

However, it seems like Samsung will be the first to release the foldable phone, with a planned release date of April 26th, 2019. The phone will cost $1980, for those who are willing to fork over that amount of cash for a phone/tablet combo.

How It Works
How It Works