Overall, Caroline was happy about getting a present, but the time finally came to open it. She had an opposite reaction than what she’d expected and was furious at her husband. What had he done? It was enough for her to ask for a divorce!
Unwrapping the Gift
Caroline excitedly unwrapped the present Steven had delivered to her. She snipped away the tape and marveled at the size of the package. It was astounding, and she felt that it would make up for everything.

Unwrapping the Gift
His Deployment
Steven knew Caroline would be upset that he was gone for another two months, so he felt he should make it up to her somehow. He assured her that the present was sufficient, and she couldn’t wait to see what it was!

His Deployment
What It Is
Caroline finally opened the package and was shocked by the contents. This wasn’t what she’d imagined when her husband told her of the special gift. Her confusion turned to rage when she understood what he’d done, and she was very disgusted!

What It Is
Filing for Divorce
Just 24 hours after opening her present, she decided to remove Steven from her life. She got a divorce and never wanted to see him again. What was in the package to push her to make that decision? Let’s find out!

Filing for Divorce
Problems with Steven
Caroline found out that her husband would be going to the Middle East again and was extremely upset. He promised to be home soon and even acted like it would be within the week. Now, he told her there would be a two-month delay!

Problems with Steven
Troubled Relationship
Steven and Caroline had been married for six years, and then his tour was extended. They’d been happy together initially, but difficulties arose as time went on. Most of it started when their son was born, though they both loved Johnathan.

Troubled Relationship
His Choice
The couple wanted to have children, and Caroline finally got pregnant. They were happy at first, but then she started worrying. Though it’s natural for moms to be worrisome, she felt that Steven was too dedicated to his job. Would he be able to handle both major responsibilities?

His Choice
Military Man
Steven had been a military man most of his life. He was committed when the two met, and she knew that. Though she was okay with it all, having a child changes things. Now, he needed to be home for his family!

Military Man
The Big Promise
For six months of each year, Steven was on active duty and shipped to faraway lands. How could he care for a child and his wife? It was impossible! Would Caroline raise the child alone? They discussed the issue in detail.

The Big Promise
Breaking Promises
Steven promised to slow down at work and get stationed closer to home. In fact, he thought about getting a different career, and this excited Caroline. However, Steven hadn’t fulfilled his promise, and it upset his wife tremendously.

Breaking Promises
Fighting for Family
In spite of everything, Caroline loved Steven and wanted her family to stay together. He would promise to slow down, but she believed it would never happen. Then, he told her he would actually be gone two more months, and she lost hope.

Fighting for Family
Calling Her Husband
Steven was high up in the military, so he couldn’t be ordered to do that type of thing. He agreed to it or possibly volunteered, which made it all worse. She decided to call him and learn the truth. He claimed the military forced him into it.

Calling Her Husband
Her Achilles Heel
Caroline put on a brave face, but she was angry at the promises, excuses, and extensions. He was sly and knew that she loved presents. With the promise of a big one, he could disarm her. Would he deliver or let her down again?

Her Achilles Heel
A Constant Pattern
This wasn’t the first time he’d done this. He often used gifts to make up for all those broken promises, and it worked flawlessly every time. She realized that, but she decided to drop it because she had no choice. Once he got home, they’d have a hard conversation.

A Constant Pattern
The Other Side of the World
Steven was stressed and knew that he’d messed up big time. It was a tense situation, and he was hiding something from his wife. Eventually, she’d learn the truth, and he had to have a plan and help with pulling everything off.

The Other Side of the World
The Perfect Present
He knew Caroline would find out everything eventually, but he hoped to delay that for as long as he could. Now, he had to locate the perfect present to tide her over. In fact, he knew just what to get and thought he was a sneaky genius!

The Perfect Present
Delaying Tactics
The day he thought of the idea, he arranged it all, sending the gift home to the US on the next flight. He knew that would give him time to finish his mission and even deal with the follow-up. He was in it to win it, but he didn’t realize she was done.

Delaying Tactics
Hard Time for Her
In the US, Caroline didn’t have time to be excited about his present. She tidied the home, took care of Johnathan, and did everything a single parent would do. It was all wearing away her nerves, and she was tired of everything.

Hard Time for Her
Present Arrives
Caroline saw the courier truck trundle up the street, and she became excited to finally see her present. She waited at the door, and the suspense killed her. What could her husband have sent? She’d soon find out.

Present Arrives
Opening the Envelope
The courier driver brought a taped box with an envelope on top. He handed it over, and she signed for it. She immediately knew that this was the grand present promised by her husband, and she hurried to open the letter.

Opening the Envelope
Overwhelming Love
Caroline started reading the letter and melted. It was sweet and reminded her of why she loved Steven. In fact, she almost forgot about the mystery gift. Now, though, she decided to open it and see what was inside!

Overwhelming Love
Ultimate Excitement
Caroline was excited but took a photo for her Snapchat. She uploaded it and added a caption saying that she couldn’t wait to tear it open. Though Steven wouldn’t see that for a while, she wanted to document the moment.

Ultimate Excitement
Searching for It
Caroline dug through the large box, noting the tons of packing beans. Initially, it appeared that nothing was inside. Was this a joke of some kind? She kept searching and eventually found it, though it wasn’t what she was expecting.

Searching for It
Key with a Heart
In the small plastic box, Caroline saw a key with a red heart keyring attached. There was a phrase on the heart-shaped item, and it contained her husband’s handwriting. It said that it was the key to his heart. What was it for? This was a little odd to her.

Key with a Heart
Contacting Steven
Caroline was quite confused and chose to contact him on Snapchat. She couldn’t call because the reception was bad wherever he was deployed, and they couldn’t talk. Snapchat was the best choice, and she sent him a message quickly.

Contacting Steven
He Gets the Message
Steven saw her message on his phone and was relieved. She had taken the bait, and that’s exactly what he’d hoped she would do. Now, he had the responses ready to send her, and that’s what he did. It was a very elaborate scheme!

He Gets the Message
The Cryptic Message
Caroline received a short and mysterious message, but she knew what it was. He had sent coordinates to her, so her real gift must be at that location. Still, it was odd that he wouldn’t just tell her directly. Now, she had to find out what he had got her.

The Cryptic Message
Going on an Adventure
Steven wouldn’t respond to her messages, so she had to set out and discover what her gift was. It was all exciting for her, and the tension added to the excitement. Clearly, this would be an amazing gift.

Going on an Adventure
Somewhere in the City
The first step was to look up the coordinates on the map to see where they led. She wondered if it would be a storage place or his parent’s house. It was a house, but she didn’t immediately recognize it. This simply piqued her curiosity more.

Somewhere in the City
Planning the Route
Caroline had to get Johnathan from kindergarten, but she had some time. She believed she could drive to the house and get back, but it would have to be fast. Therefore, she grabbed the keys and left. Overall, she had to end the mystery!

Planning the Route
Shady Neighborhood
According to her app, Caroline had to drive 20 minutes before getting to her destination. She started driving, and the houses went down in quality. She had never been to this area and was curious and nervous.

Shady Neighborhood
Abandoned Property
Caroline got to the home and realized this house had been abandoned. It looked worse in person than on the app. Her excitement was gone now, and she was a little upset. Still, she had to see it all through.

Abandoned Property
Key in the Lock
Caroline tried opening the door, but it was locked. Then, she grabbed the key Steven had sent her, and it worked. As she stepped inside, she heard noises. She got to the second floor, and someone came rushing out. This couldn’t have been part of his plan!

Key in the Lock
She Got Mugged
The man was in bad shape and had a rusty knife, demanding her phone and purse. She handed everything over because she was scared for her life. He thought he had gotten lucky, but she was terrified and furious. This had gone very wrong and fast!

She Got Mugged
Stolen Car and Johnathan
The robber had taken her keys and left in her vehicle. Caroline had no idea what to do. She had to get her son from school, but she also had to contact the police. However, she had no phone or money for a taxi!

Stolen Car and Johnathan
Caroline was trying to determine what to do, and a man stopped to offer her a lift. He even let her use his cell phone. They went to the school to pick up Johnathan, and Abraham did most of the talking to calm Caroline down.

Steven’s Friend
When they arrived at Caroline’s house, a car was in the driveway. She rang the doorbell because the robber had taken her house keys, and she recognized Steven’s friend. He wastes no time in taking her to the bedroom and showing her Steven’s gift on the bed!

Steven’s Friend
Body Pillow
Steven had sent her a body pillow with his photo printed on it, asking the friend to deliver it as a surprise. He’d simply sent her to that abandoned home to get her out of the house. Though the friend owned it, he had no idea that someone had been squatting in it and almost harmed her!

Body Pillow
Calling the Cops
Caroline was done with Steven and his promises and stupid gifts. She had to call the cops to tell them about the stolen vehicle, and luckily, they’d already caught the robber and arrested him for speeding. Overall, she got her things back, but now she needed a lawyer!

Calling the Cops
The Divorce and Abraham
The following day, Caroline filed for divorce. Steven tried fighting, but Caroline was done and had already turned her attention to the nice man who helped her in her time of need. She and Abraham kept in touch and actually developed feelings for each other!

The Divorce and Abraham