Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on January 31, 2022
Most of us try to wash our bedsheets at least once per week. The team of Haley and Dan from Only Human are sure to wash theirs even more often, being the type of people who shower multiple times per day. They are staying at Plas Teg, the most haunted house in Wales, for a week while they help the owner, Cornelia, clean. Little do they know the mistake that they have just made…
The House Is Over 350 Years Old

The House Is Over 350 Years Old

There Are Several Statues in The Yard

As Haley and Dan approach the large house, they are greeted by many statues in the yard. It is evident that most of them are pretty old, and a lot of them are very creepy. It’s almost like they just felt a sense of dread as they approached the door, and in a way, they did, as Haley and Dan literally had no idea what they were in for…and boy, would it surprise them.

Soul Sucking Cherub

Soul Sucking Cherub


And They Get So Much Worse

Even inside of the home, which they will soon see, there were a lot of creepy statues, including this one of a man doing something to his foot. Is this just a sign of things to come for Dan and Haley? Let’s just say that both of them suffer from OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and their worst nightmares are about to come true.

Creepy Statue

Creepy Statue


They Are Not All Bad

Thankfully, not all of the statues are the stuff of nightmares. Some of these statues are actually pretty nice. This one appears to be a Roman-style statue that was popular in the Victorian Era during the 19th century. It looks to be Mercury, the most impactful of the Roman gods today. His name and symbols are used on everything from medical equipment to shoes and even cars.

Mercury God Of Trade And Indifference

Mercury God Of Trade And Indifference


Others are a Little Bit More Down to Earth

While several of the statues that decorate the property are certainly terrifying, and others are of ancient gods and heroes, others are simple. Maybe that is what makes this one so unique. The statue is not intimidating; he just looks bored. The artist was certain to accentuate certain… features for sure, however. These stone statues are likely to outlast the house itself.

Why Do They All Look Bored?

Why Do They All Look Bored?


This One is Terrifying

Maybe it is the lack of pupils or just the lighting, maybe both, but this guy is horrifying. He looks like he is about to rip the soul right out of your body. Haley and Dan have already seen several scary statues, including this one, which looks soulless. Sure, this statue sends a shiver up your spine, but just wait until you see what Haley and Dan find when they walk into the house.

Not Having Pupils Certainly Doesnt Help

Not Having Pupils Certainly Doesnt Help


A Long History 

Plas Teg is several centuries old. The house itself has undergone significant changes since it was built and even had to be largely rebuilt after a fire. Cordelia has not only bought a house; she has bought a true piece of history. The house has seen some of the most influential events in all of the history of the UK. There are even some surviving drawings of the house as it was during the late 1700s.

Plas Teg As It Was In The Late 1700s

Plas Teg As It Was In The Late 1700s


There are Several Surviving Records

One of the things that makes Plas Teg unique is that there are several well-preserved examples of what it looked like in the past. It makes sense that such a grand house should be preserved. Even when cameras were first becoming a reality and pictures were incredibly expensive, someone paid to have one taken of Plas Teg. This picture, which has thankfully been digitized, is from the year 1860.

This Was Likely A Very Expensive Picture

This Was Likely A Very Expensive Picture


Open for Tours

While Cordelia does live in Plas Teg full time, it is not only her primary residence; it is also her main job. Cordelia offers tours of the house where she elaborates on the history of the manor and how people lived in the past. She is a huge fan of history and relishes the chance to share her knowledge. While in Plas Teg, you might even catch an elusive ghost shot.

Cordelia Offers Tours Of Plas Teg

Cordelia Offers Tours Of Plas Teg


One of Many Haunted Houses

The British Isles have been continuously inhabited for centuries, predating the Romans. The Isles have changed hands several times over the last couple of millennia with the Romans, French, and Scandinavians since Emperor Hadrian built the wall across Britannia, and later Emperors of Rome abandoned the Isles entirely. The native tribes were too much for the Romans to handle so far from home. With such a long history, it should come as no surprise that the UK has several very well-known and ancient haunted houses.

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian’s Wall


The Jamaica Inn, Smuggler’s Paradise

The Jamaica Inn was originally built in 1750 and was widely used by smugglers of the era. For those who are not familiar, smugglers transport stolen or banned items, they did not steal the items themselves. This was usually left to pirates. The Inn was historically used to change horses, making it a staging inn. Thanks to the illicit nature of the smugglers and the long history of the inn, it has become one of the most famous haunted buildings in the UK.

The Jamaica Inn As It Is Today

The Jamaica Inn As It Is Today


Not Entirely Original

Like many old buildings, the Jamaica Inn has had its share of renovations over the years. The most significant was done in the mid-20th century and added on to the original structure while preserving the building itself. These renovations added a few additional rooms and areas for a gift shop and museum. Needless to say, the hauntings occur in the original building, not the renovated sections.

The Jamaica Inn Before The Rennovations Were Done

The Jamaica Inn Before The Renovations Were Done


For Pirates from the Beginning

From the very beginning, the Jamaica Inn was built and run to cater to pirates and smugglers. It was no coincidence that so many people in these professions chose to frequent the inn. It offered services that the smugglers could use to make their jobs easier, such as horse staging, and also gave them a place to eat and drink without too much oversight by the proprietor.

Many Pirates and Smugglers Have Visited

Many Pirates and Smugglers Have Visited


An Unfinished Drink

The most famous haunting of the Jamaica Inn is an unknown man who went in to have a tankard of ale many years ago. As he sat at the bar enjoying his drink, he was summoned outside by person or persons unknown. He got up and walked outside, drink still half-finished, and never came back. The next morning the man’s corpse was found in the alley outside of the bar. Today people report hearing footsteps outside of the bar. The owners claim it is the man coming back to finish his drink.

It Is A Shame To Leave A Beer Unfinished

It Is A Shame To Leave A Beer Unfinished


The Scene of Many Fights and Deaths

Any bar is sure to see its’ own fair share of drunken fights and brawls, but a bar that caters to smugglers and pirates is sure to have many more. The Jamaica Inn is certainly no exception. Over the years, many smugglers and others have met their end at the Jamaica Inn. While only a few of these stories are recited today, they each add to the unique history of this haunted inn.

Jamaica Inn Bar

Jamaica Inn Bar


Today They Use It for Branding 

The best part about staying at an old inn or house is the history, and Jamaica Inn certainly has plenty of it. Walking into centuries-old buildings allows you to step back in time and experience history in a way that museums simply can’t offer. The Jamaica Inn has grabbed onto its history and is using it to promote itself. Even the sign outside warns visitors that the inn was once home to every kind of criminal.

Few Places Have The Unique History Of Jamaica Inn

Few Places Have The Unique History Of Jamaica Inn


Ruthin Castle: The Original Red Keep

Another supposedly haunted place like Plas Teg is Ruthin Castle. It was built in Wales in the 13th century. Amazingly this castle was used as a defensive fortification as recently as 1649 during the English Civil War. While this may seem like a long time ago today, consider that the castle was over 300 years old at that point. It was initially in a state of serious disrepair, but with some work, it was made defensible and even withstood an 11-week siege.

Ruthen Castle As Seen From Above

Ruthin Castle As Seen From Above


A Place of Terror

You may be wondering what makes Ruthin Castle so terrifyingly haunted. On the surface, Ruthin Castle looks like many other Edwardian Castles from the era. What sets it apart is the brutality of what occurred within its walls. Dungeons, while a common element in fantasy castles, were actually pretty rare in real castles. An underground dungeon is a huge expense for a minor reward. Consider the cost and labor required to excavate the land and build a stone structure inside of the hole. Not so for Ruthin Castle.

Ruthen Castle Looks Rather Benign

Ruthin Castle Looks Rather Benign


A Jealous Wife

One of the most famous ghosts of Ruthin Castle is the Grey Lady. She is believed to be the ghost of the wife of a lord of the castle. The lord was unfaithful and took a mistress, as was common at the time. His wife, however, did not approve of this and reportedly murdered the mistress with an axe. After the murder, the lord’s wife was executed for the murder. Today it is said that her ghost can still be seen walking the battlements.

The Ghost Has Been Seen Here...

The Ghost Has Been Seen Here…


Chambers of Horror

While the Grey Lady is certainly the most famous ghost at Ruthin Castle, she is far from the only one. The dungeons are particularly haunted, for obvious reasons. Ruthin Castle was one of the few castles with a true dungeon located within the fortifications. The dungeons contained several instruments of torture and execution.

The Beautiful Exterior Hides A Dark Past

The Beautiful Exterior Hides A Dark Past


The Ravages of Time

Even a great castle built from stone like Ruthin Castle succumbs to time. The oldest sections of the castle are still open for tours, but it has fallen into a state of disrepair. The stones have collapsed, and the mortar has given way, making these areas too dangerous to go inside of. If you are in the area, this historical and haunted castle is well worth taking a side trip to see.

The Oldest Sections Have Fallen Into Disrepair

The Oldest Sections Have Fallen Into Disrepair


Chillingham Castle

Chillingham Castle is another castle built during the 13th century like Plas Teg. It is located in the village in Chillingham in Northumberland, England. The ironically named Chillingham Castle is touted as the most haunted castle in all of the UK. Unlike many other castles in the area, Chillingham did not begin life as a castle, but as a monastery. It was later converted to a castle to serve as a strategic point between England and Scotland.

Chillingham Castle As Depicted In The 19th Century

Chillingham Castle As Depicted In The 19th Century


Built to Fight the Scots

The castle was converted from a monastery to act as a defensive location against the Scots during the late 1200s and early 1300. Specifically, King Edward I built it to battle the armies of William Wallace. While you are undoubtedly familiar with the name William Wallace, if you have watched ‘Braveheart,’ almost all of the information that you have is historically inaccurate. The producers were so far off with Scottish battle garb that the equivalent would be a movie depicting the War Against Terror, but soldiers are wearing Revolutionary War uniforms and muskets.

Stained Glass From The Castle

Stained Glass From The Castle


The Most Haunted Castle in the UK

Chillingham Castle is recognized as the most haunted castle in all of the UK. It has numerous ghosts, but the most famous is the Wailing Blue Boy. There are several others, such as the Lady Mary Berkeley, who it is said can still be heard walking through the halls. There have been numerous sightings of both of these ghosts that wander the castle.

The Lady Mary Berkeley No Higher Resolution Available

The Lady Mary Berkeley


The Blue Boy

The Blue Boy is the name given to one of the ghosts in Chillingham Castle. The Blue Boy can, somewhat ironically, be found in the Pink Room. Sightings of the Blue Boy have ceased since the renovation of the castle. Many believe this is because he was finally able to move on after the remains of a boy and a man were found entombed within the 10-foot thick walls of the castle. It is believed that they were both sealed inside of the wall during construction, though why is unknown.

The Rear Entrance To The Castle

The Rear Entrance To The Castle


Standing Strong 

One of the things that make Chillingham Castle unique is how well it is preserved. Where other castles were allowed to go into disrepair and become dilapidated, Chillingham is still in excellent condition. It is rated as a Grade 1 building, meaning it is a near-perfectly preserved specimen. You can still visit the castle today and spend the night within its walls. If you are lucky, you may even spot Lady Mary Berkeley.

Chillingham Castle

Chillingham Castle


Haley Already Doesn’t Like This Idea

Now, back to Plas Tec…as Haley and Dan approach the door, we can tell that Haley already doesn’t like this idea to stay in the house while they work. The goal is to get them out of their comfort zone and hopefully reduce the impact of their OCD. Things do not seem to be getting off on the best start when Haley refuses even to touch the door knocker. She gingerly reaches out with a tissue to operate the knocker.

We Are Pretty Sure Bronze Shouldnt Be That Color

We Are Pretty Sure Bronze Shouldn’t Be That Color

They Are Certainly Out of Their Comfort Zone

Cornelia greets them, and opens her home to the pair. As soon as they walk inside, both Haley and Dan realize that they might have just made a huge mistake. They are both way out of their comfort zone of bleach and heavy cleaners. The inside of the house looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years. Maybe it is just for the added Gothic horror feel, but there is actually another reason for the clutter.

Dirty Clutter

Dirty Clutter


What is Under That Couch?

Haley and Dan make small talk with Cornelia, and she shows them the first room, which has a large sofa. Most of us have a few lost items under the couch. They are heavy and awkward to move without someone to help you, but cleaning under the couch is usually done once per month, at least. That doesn’t seem to be the case here. This home is terribly dirty, and it looks like Haley’s face says it all.




Unfortunately for Dan and Haley, it is About to Get So Much Worse

Cornelia tries to keep the house clean herself, but it is too much for one person to manage. When the house was built, it would have had a staff of at least 20 servants to keep everything clean. Today it falls entirely to Cornelia. With modern cleaners, it might not be so bad, but she prefers the old methods. In fact, Cornelia is well known for being a bit OCD herself, but definitely in a different way than Haley and Dan.




Dusting is Not A Priority

Cornelia makes it clear early on that dusting is not a priority. She refuses to allow them to use any modern cleaners or disinfectants. She also says that she likes for it to be a little bit dusty in the house. Needless to say, she sticks to her word as the house looks like it has not been dusted in several years.

The Cobwebs Have Taken Over

The Cobwebs Have Taken Over


Seriously, There is Dust Everywhere

The amount of dust in Plas Teg is likely to give an asthma patient an anxiety attack just looking at it. We have to offer our admiration and respect to Haley and Dan for making it this far. We can tell that they are both very uncomfortable, however, and it is only going to keep getting worse for them. Plas Teg still has more surprises in store, and they are not going to like them.

Dan, Haley, And Cornelia

Dan, Haley, And Cornelia


The Home Has Seen Better Days

All of the furniture in Plas Teg is original as far as Cornelia is concerned. Most of it is at least 100 years old, so it is to be expected that the furniture is a little derelict. Since the house is considered a historical site making any change to it can be very difficult and involve a lot of bureaucratic red tape.

Haley Cleaning The Bathroom

Haley Cleaning The Bathroom


She Has Working Hands

Cornelia is not shy about the fact that she has basically rebuilt Plas Teg since buying it. She has spent over £400,000 since buying the house to bring it back from dereliction. It was originally set to be torn down but was spared that fate after public outcry defending the house. Cornelia has been improving the house since buying it and has received some funding to help cover her expenses in rebuilding this historic house.

Cornelia Certainly Works With Her Hands

Cornelia Certainly Works With Her Hands


She Doesn’t Like the Idea of Cleaning Products

Cornelia likes to do things the way that they were done when this house was built. She does not like the smell of bleach or other modern cleaners and even forbids Dan and Haley from using any modern cleaners. She is shocked when they ask what products they can use and tells them just to use water.

Cleaning Products

Cleaning Products


Dan Isn’t Too Happy About This

Both Dan and Haley are a bit on the OCD side, so it is no surprise that this ban on cleaners does not sit well with Dan. He is more than a little bit surprised at being told only to use water and a sponge to clean the house. Water is great for cleaning, but it cannot replace cleaners and be expected to actually, you know, clean.




Dust Suddenly Isn’t the Worst of It

Haley takes the news even worse than Dan. She is immediately horrified that Cornelia just doesn’t seem to care that water doesn’t kill bacteria. She says that she can live with a little bit of bacteria. Needless to say, this doesn’t sit well with Haley, who is regretting her decision more by the minute. We can’t say that we blame her.

Haley Is Worried About The Bacteria

Haley Is Worried About The Bacteria


Going into the Kitchen is Even Worse

Having seen the state of the living room, Haley and Dan are understandably nervous about going into the kitchen. Cornelia has a cloth hanging in the doorway to the kitchen, but knowing her policy on products, Haley and Dan refused to touch the cloth. Cornelia must pull the cloth back for them before they are willing to go into the kitchen. What they find sends them even closer to a breakdown.

The Kitchen

The Kitchen


We Don’t Want to Know What is Growing in This Kitchen

Once they get into the kitchen, the true cleaning horror that they are about to face begins to set in with Haley and Dan. The kitchen looks like it has been neglected for years. Cornelia says that she regularly cleans because the house is open to the public and that she had cleaned earlier that morning. We still have to ask, what is that in the Dutch oven?

Kitchen What Is That

Kitchen – What Is That?


It Just Needs Some TLC

Despite Cornelia’s assurance that she had, in fact, cleaned the kitchen earlier that same day, it was clear from the beginning that the kitchen would need special attention. Several of the dishes look like they have not been moved in quite some time. Others are covered in dust and other unknowns. Needless to say, we won’t be eating breakfast here anytime soon.

Cup in the Kitchen

Cup in the Kitchen


She Makes the Best of It

While there are certainly some areas that need improvement, Cornelia certainly makes the best of what she has. The oven does not work, but she has given it a second life as a storage cabinet. Honestly, if we were in her shoes, we wouldn’t bother to repair the oven either. Those old wood ovens are impossible to keep at the right temperature and have to be maintained constantly. Not to mention the smoke taste that accompanies everything.

The Oven Doesn't Work

The Oven Doesn’t Work


Her Cookware Is Not in Better Condition

Since the oven doesn’t work, Cornelia doesn’t spend much time cooking. It looks like it has been some time since she used these iron skillets. Sadly, they have become rusty and are covered in dust and grime. They would need serious cleaning and re-seasoning before they could be used to cook again. Then again, maybe she keeps it that way to add to the haunted house aesthetic.

Cast Iron Pans

Cast Iron Pans


Not Even the Spaghetti Strainer is Safe

Even the spaghetti strainer is not safe from the rust and dust that seems to cover everything in this house. We certainly wouldn’t want to use this one. We can taste the dirt and dust from that picture, not to mention the diseases that could be growing on it. Hopefully, Cornelia at least uses scalding water to sanitize the dishes. Thankfully, she microwaves most of her food.

Pasta Strainer With Rust

Pasta Strainer With Rust


The Microwave is Never Cleaned

Since the oven doesn’t work, and honestly is too difficult to use anyway, Cornelia microwaves all of her food. The microwave looks like it could use a good scrubbing, but overall it doesn’t look too bad. Dan makes the mistake of asking Cornelia how often she cleans it, however, and he is shocked to learn she never has. At least the microwave sterilizes itself, right?

At Least It Sterilizes Itself

At Least It Sterilizes Itself


Hopefully, She Doesn’t Use Those

Those mixing spoons look like they may get used from time to time. Unfortunately, that also means that they get left in that pile of debris in between uses. If this were a restaurant, it would certainly be shut down by the health department, but Cornelia only offers tours of her haunted and historical house. It certainly does have that haunted feel to it. Thankfully Gothic horrors stay in the house.

We Dont Want To Think ABout What These Measuring Spoons Are Sitting In

We Don’t Want To Think A bout What These Measuring Spoons Are Sitting In


Not Many House Guests

Judging by the amount of dust on these serving utensils, it has been a while since Cornelia has invited anyone over for supper. The unfortunate fact about wooden spoons is that they can harbor bacteria and mold in the cracks in the wood that make cleaning them difficult. The best thing to do is to clean them as good as you can and then boil them to finish the job.

These Spoons Need To Be Boiled

These Spoons Need To Be Boiled


What Have They Gotten Themselves Into?

At this point in the tour, Haley and Dan are seriously beginning to question their decision to take on this job. They were hoping to take on a job to help them with their OCD by getting out of their super-clean comfort zone, but this may be too much. Both of them seem to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?

What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?


The Library Looks Impressive

At first glance, the library doesn’t look too bad. There are likely bugs and possibly mold in some of the books, but at least there is no food lying around. Dust aside, Cornelia has quite the impressive library. We have to wonder if all of the books are real or if the library is filled with false books, as so many in the past were to give the impression of a larger library.

The Library Is Impressive

The Library Is Impressive


It Is Part of the Original House

Plas Teg caught on fire at one point, and much of the original house was lost. The rest of the house was rebuilt largely according to the original plans. The library is one of the only rooms that are still original. Dan mentions that he can still smell the fire in the room. Thankfully it looks like the books were spared from the flames. We certainly wouldn’t mind having a personal library like this.

We Would Love A Personal Library

We Would Love A Personal Library


Cornelia Sleeps in the Library

In order to help preserve the house by reducing everyday use, Cornelia does not sleep in one of Plas Teg’s 10 bedrooms. Instead, she chooses to sleep on the 200-year-old couch in the library. The couch is from around 1820. She has a set of bedding and pillows tucked into a corner so that she doesn’t have to get them out each night before bed. Honestly, does it really matter if you are sleeping on the couch or a mattress when both are over 100 years old?

Cornelia Sleeps On The Sofa

Cornelia Sleeps On The Sofa


Her Bedding Needs a Good Wash

We are not sure how long it has been since she has washed her bedding, but from what we have seen so far, it has probably been a while. Cornelia Has made it clear that she does not like cleaning products and has no problems with bacteria. That being said, you would think that it would be a clue that it’s time to wash your bedding when it starts to turn gray.

Her Bedding Is Turning Gray

Her Bedding Is Turning Gray


The Fireplace Goes Unused

Since Cornelia sleeps in the library, it makes sense that she would have a heater in there with her. We can’t blame her for being skeptical about using the fireplace in a house this old, especially one that has already burnt once. Not to mention the fact that Plas Teg is the most haunted house in Wales. A library is a perfect place for an unfortunate fire to start, so any precaution should be taken.

We Don't Blame Her For Not Using The Fireplace

We Don’t Blame Her For Not Using The Fireplace


The Upstairs Isn’t Any Better

Heading upstairs, Haley and Dan are shocked to find that the sink is covered in scale. The faucet is leaking, and there is a noticeable film on it. That certainly doesn’t inspire confidence in the plumbing of this old house. The plumbing was most likely added at a later date, but because the house is considered historical, repairing it is difficult and expensive. All repairs must be period correct.

The Faucet Is Scaly And Leaking

The Faucet Is Scaly And Leaking


The Plumbing Nightmare Gets Worse

A leaky faucet is the least of their worries when it comes to the plumbing. The bath does not have hot water, only cold. To make matters worse, they cannot even use the bath because the water comes out rusty. This, needless to say, does not set well with Haley and Dan. We certainly can’t blame them this time. We aren’t sure we would want to take a bath in this haunted house anyway.

Taking A Bath In The Most Haunted Bathroom

Taking A Bath In The Most Haunted Bathroom


The Bathroom Just Feels Spooky

This bathroom was built in the 1600s and is in the most haunted house in Wales, so our perception may be a little bit skewed, but this is one creepy-looking bathroom. That claw tub looks like the perfect way to relax, right before the ghosts make you drown and join them. Yeah, we definitely think they got lucky by not having a working bath, even if they do have to do without one for a week.

This Bathroom Is Creepy

This Bathroom Is Creepy


Haley Does Not Take the News Well

Haley admits that she can take as many as three to four baths per day. We hope she lives in an area with abundant rainfall because that is a lot of water to waste every day. Dan says he can also take two or three showers per day. That is potentially hundreds of gallons of water per day between them.

Haley Realizes There Is No Bath

Haley Realizes There Is No Bath


Cornelia Doesn’t Understand How Someone Can Bath Multiple Times Per Day

Haley is not happy about missing her baths. She says that she can take as many as four showers per day. That sounds like a waste of water if you ask us, but we can definitely understand wanting to stay clean. Cornelia, however, seems amazed that anyone could bath so many times in one day. She says she rarely baths since that is how they would have lived when the house was built.

Cornilia Is Amazed They Bath 3 4 Times Per Day

Cornelia Is Amazed They Bath Three to Four Times Per Day


Next Comes the Bedroom

After seeing the bathroom, it is finally time to see where they are going to be sleeping. Dan and Haley are sleeping in separate rooms. Both rooms have been left exactly as they were when Cornelia bought the house. Dan gets the more famous room; it is the second most haunted room in the house. Given that the bedding has not been washed in 100 years, we are not sure what to be more afraid of, the ghosts or the sheets.

It Would Be A Nice Bedroom If Clean

It Would Be A Nice Bedroom If Clean


Haley’s Sheets Haven’t Been Washed in a Century

The sheets on Haley’s bed have not been washed since they were put on the mattress. The mattress itself has also not been washed since it was purchased almost a century ago. Cornelia wants everything in the house to remain authentic. At least it looks like the bedding was rarely used since it is still white.

At Least The Bedding Isn't Noticeably Dirty

At Least The Bedding Isn’t Noticeably Dirty


Dan And Haley Are Regretting Their Choice

Dan and Haley wanted a challenge to help conquer their OCD, so they agreed to help Cornelia clean the house while living in it for one week. After the tour of the house, they both regret their decision. Neither is certain they can last the entire week. Fortunately, they do, and they got the home into shape. What is unknown is this…did Cornelia keep it that way?

They Have Serious Regrets

They Have Serious Regrets