Employee Resignation Notice
Having a good boss can make your life so much happier and easier. After all, it’s likely that you spend upwards of 40 hours every week with them. Work is a huge chunk of everyone’s life, so it’s so much easier to do when you work with people that you respect. However, many people around the world struggle with horrible bosses. People that are selfish and don’t mind ruining days may be easy to handle- but, not when they’re in charge.

World’s Best Boss?
The holidays are usually a time for celebration and a bit of relaxation. Many employers choose to give bonuses around the holidays in order to thank their employees for all of their hard work throughout the year. When one employee received a Walmart gift card, he was pretty impressed with his boss. That is, until he took a look at his paycheck. It turns out he had paid for the gift card and it was deducted right from his salary.

Employee Paycheck
Vacation time is something that most people look forward to for months and months. It’s often the one time of year that they have to really take a break and relax. Unfortunately, some employers and bosses don’t make it quite that easy. When this woman’s boss continually denied her the use of her vacation time, she decided to snap back and quit. Now she finally has the chance to take a breather, while her boss is stuck desperately looking for her replacement.

Employee Text Messages
When bosses refuse to stand up for their employees’ rights, action needs to be taken, no matter by who. This employee decided to do the right thing, even if it meant that some customers would probably be stuck with a long wait. However, they did leave a well-meaning note to let them know. The note explains the situation and finally ends with the employee quitting once and for all. That horrible boss definitely got what he deserved.

Employee Resignation Note
Food theft in the office is no joking matter. Something that seems to happen all of the time, but it’s not often that the person in charge is found guilty. When this person decided to bring a delicious, home-made pecan pie with them to work, they never expected it to go missing. It didn’t take long for the pie to disappear, though. By the end of the day, they were able to solve the mystery and discover that their boss had eaten the entire thing.

Boss with Stolen Pie
Bosses usually aren’t privy to the same kind of break room chat and gossip that other employees are. Their position makes them a bit separate from the rest of the group. However, it’s not often that they feel so excluded by this separation. One boss simply couldn’t handle the feeling of not knowing what his employees were talking about. When someone looked under the break room table, they discovered a secret recording device, listening to everything they were saying on break.

Recording Device
There are some workplaces that simply take deductions and rules a bit too seriously. This employee was constantly being bombarded with ridiculous rules and unreasonable notes left by their boss. When they came in to find a note regarding electricity, they almost couldn’t believe their eyes. Their boss said that no employee was allowed to charge their phones on the premises- or a deduction would be made from their paycheck for the electricity used. The note claimed that it was considered theft of electricity.

Employer Notice
The food industry is notorious for wasting millions of dollars’ worth of food every single day. Is it too much to ask that their employees could eat some? Apparently, for some bosses, it is. When employees had to watch piles and piles of pizza being thrown away, they were not impressed. Unfortunately, no matter how many times they asked to take some home, their boss kept on saying no. One employee even referred to the situation jokingly as a “catastrophe of epic proportions.”

Pizza in Garbage Bin
Being a boss is not just about making your employees happy and helping guide them at work. It’s also about keeping track of things around the workplace and ensuring that health and safety guidelines are met. However, cutting corners in this area in an attempt to budget or save time is not uncommon. This employee noted that their boss refused to fix a glaring structural issue in their workplace. Many employees were even scared to come to work, but the boss refused to get anything done.

Structural Issue
For people working in the service industry, one of the best ways to boost your income is by making tips. This means that you always strive to give great service and really impress your customers. However, some companies and businesses have policies that make tipping really difficult. They may force workers to split their tips or even keep them instead. This employee noted a horrible policy at their place of work. Not quite a good way to keep your employees happy.

Employer Notice
When your boss makes a mistake, you don’t usually expect to be the one to clean it up. Especially a big mistake that might cost you your entire weekend. This was the case for one employee, when their boss accidentally ordered individual pepper packets rather than a pepper shaker. Since the boss didn’t want to waste any money, he had his workers cut open all 6,000 packets to make use of all the pepper inside. Certainly not a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon.

Employee with Pepper Packets
This company decided to pick out an interesting Christmas gift for their employees. After a long hard year of work, employees weren’t too excited to see that they’d received such a small and pointless Christmas gift. The present consisted of just some stationary, chocolates, and the chance to dress down once at work. No sign of a Christmas bonus in sight. Christmas is a time for bosses to show their appreciation for employees, and these employees certainly didn’t feel appreciated when they received this.

Employee Holiday Gift
Some studies show that treating your horrible boss like a toddler may be the most effective way to deal with them. By viewing your bad boss as a toddler who simply doesn’t know better, it can help you deal with stress in the workplace. It’s important to remember that bad bosses aren’t usually bad people. If you can change your mindset about your horrible boss, it becomes much easier to deal with them and work for them day in and day out.

Boss and Employees
One employee shared a story online about their boss who was literally trying to kill them. This person’s boss was not shy about their unrealistic expectations for their employees. This even involved claiming that “your job is to make me look good and take the bullet for me. Is that clear?” Later, the employee realized that the extreme stress of their job was actually causing them to be sick. They were continually struggling with stress-related illnesses due to the daily stress of their job.

Boss and Employee
When this employee’s boss simply didn’t love the color scheme in their break room, he had a creative and budget-friendly solution to the problem. However, it was not at all friendly to the employees who worked for him. Instead of replacing the chairs or dealing with a different color scheme, the boss threw away all the chairs completely. This meant that the employees didn’t have anywhere to sit at all during their breaks. All just because of their boss’ favorite color.

Break Room
It can be difficult to hear when you’re wrong, that’s for sure. However, this person’s boss took it to a whole new level. When he explained to his boss that Bob Marley wasn’t the artist behind the song Red Red Wine, his boss was not happy. In fact, he was so unhappy about the revelation that he gave the employee an official citation in his file. Not exactly what he expected to get punished for while on the job at a Red Robin restaurant.

Bob Marley
When this boss purchased a wrong-sized T-shirt for one of his female employees, he still forced her to wear it all day long. He was a Cavs fan and wanted all of his employees to wear themed shirts to their staff meeting at the end of the month. Instead of allowing one employee to wear a different shirt, he forced her to clip the shirt on using a number of binder clips. She was forced to wear the contraption around the office for the whole day.

Sports T-Shirt
It’s not uncommon for work food to go missing. It’s simply inevitable when sharing a fridge with a number of different people and coworkers. However, this person’s boss brought it to the next level when they left fried chicken in the fridge. Rather than stealing all of the chicken, their boss ate the breading off the pieces and then put them back into the fridge. He even went the rest of the day pretending that nothing had happened at all.

Twitter Post
There are many good reasons to fire someone, and many extremely petty ones. This boss took petty reasons to a whole other level by firing someone for a small typing error. The typo was a small mistake in spelling the word “sincerely.” Not to mention, it was only in an internal email and no customers or clients saw the mistake. Plus, the boss used the typo as a reason for firing her six months after the email had originally been sent.

Twitter Post
There are many things that bosses are expected to do in the business world. No matter what industry they are in, supervisors and managers are supposed to be professional and maintain an air of authority. However, this person’s boss let all of that break down when they started exchanging words with a homeless person outside their restaurant. One employee said that her boss and the other man ended up in a knife fight right outside the business, in front of everyone.

Twitter Post
Unfortunately, not everyone has the power to quit their job if their boss is being rude. There are so many different reasons why this could be the case. The good news is that there are ways to cope with having a stressful work environment or a horrible boss. Studies suggest that doing some meditation or deep breathing exercises at work could significantly reduce your stress. Another great way to relax is by listing the things you are grateful for and trying to change your negative mentality.

Stressed Employee
When Twitter users began sharing their craziest work stories online, this employee explained one of the most interesting things that their boss had ever asked them to do. The employee shared that once while her boss was driving, she asked her to hold her ranch dip so she could eat while driving. The employee had to hold her boss’ food the whole time they were driving so that she could enjoy her chicken nuggets. It was definitely one of the strangest requests she’d ever received.

Chicken Nuggets
Everyone has to complain about work, coworkers, or a boss from time to time. By spending so much time at work, there are bound to be some tensions that arise. However, this employee didn’t quite get the reaction he was hoping for from his boss. After complaining for a few moments, his boss handed him a “hurt feelings report.” This report included several interesting aspects, such as calling the employee a “whiner.” Not exactly what you expect to receive from your boss.

Hurt Feelings Report
Truck drivers have to go very long distances, often by themselves or in pairs. The open road may be fun for a little while, but after some time, they definitely need some entertainment. However, there are only certain types of entertainment that make sense for truck drivers. They have to be sure to stay safe and alert while driving. When this person’s boss decided to play an online game of drag racing while driving, it clearly wasn’t a smart choice.

Boss with Tablet
Usually, when someone does a bad parking job, we aren’t afraid to let them know about it. Bad parking affects everyone else in the parking lot, and makes it difficult for others to park. However, this employee was stuck keeping his mouth shut since it was his boss who was doing the horrible parking job. His boss continually parked in the restricted zone of the lot, but everyone had to let him do it anyways. Not exactly a fun way to come to work each and every day.

Bad Parking Job
Keeping the office at an acceptable temperature may be difficult, especially since there are so many different people inside and so many different opinions about the right temperature. However, the boss usually has the last say. This can be challenging when he likes to work in an effective sauna. One employee posted a photo of the temperature in her office- and the thermometer could barely keep up. The temperature was about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, but they all had to deal with the boss’ preferences.

Usually, employers pitch in to provide their employees with basic necessities at work. This includes things like having a bathroom to use, water to drink, and electricity in the building. However, this boss decided that water was too big a luxury to purchase for his employees. When workers decided to pitch in and provide water themselves, their boss jokingly responded that he would take it off the electricity bill. Employees were forced to pitch in a few dollars a month just to have drinking water at work because of their boss’ attitude.

Water Container
Bosses often have to ask their employees to get things done for them. This is the majority of their job description, in fact. Sometimes, this could include following up and punishing employees if the job does not get done properly. However, this person’s boss didn’t hesitate to threaten firing him right from the get-go. She left a note telling her employee to order more pens, or use the example pen to sign his resignation. That was a pretty harsh way to request a simple duty.

Boss Request Note
When a woman arrived to work to find a notice about underwear posted on the whiteboard, she was understandably shocked. It turned out that her boss was implementing a new policy regarding the type of underwear the ladies of the workplace were supposed to wear. The post explained, “I do not want to see your underwear digging into your skin.” She couldn’t believe that her boss was really mandating the type of underwear that his female employees could or could not wear.

Employer Notice
When this person had finally had enough of their horrible boss and unprofessional work environment, she decided to call it quits. She was feeling really great about the decision and only had one day left of work. That’s when she received a text from her supervisor- reminding her just how unprofessional the workplace was. Her supervisor was asking her to work on Saturday, even though the following day was her last. Not to mention, the reason for the cover shift was because of a simple birthday party.

Text Message
For many people, their lives revolve around their workplace. Unfortunately, the same is not true of the workplace. Bosses and businesses often take their employees for granted, never worrying about simply hiring a replacement. This was the case in one workplace, when a shift manager’s cancer diagnosis was not met with any sensitivity. Rather, a sign advertising the need to replace them was posted just a week later. The sign even explained the possibility of the position becoming more than temporary.

Employer Notice
Holidays are usually a nice time to get a little break from work and enjoy some time with your family. For this boss, however, Thanksgiving was no joking matter. He posted a note telling his employees, “everyone will be here or be fired if Thanksgiving is not taken care of.” He made sure his employees knew what was at stake if they wanted the day off. The employee who posted the photo remarked that she would be stuck spending some quality time at work for the rest of the year.

Employer Notice
This person’s boss decided that they didn’t like to miss anything going on in the office. Rather than be in the dark whenever they took a day off, the boss decided to set up a camera. The camera was set up to spy on all his employees during his days off. Understandably, the employees were not too excited about this decision. They decided to retaliate in an interesting way. In order to block the camera’s view, they set up a funny picture of Nicholas Cage in front of it.

Secret Camera
When these employees arrive for work one day, they were shocked at what they noticed. Rather than their usual desks and office chairs, their boss had switched things around. Now, they all had saddle chairs, dressers, and sheets of glass to work with. This change happened with no warning and no explanation. The employees were all confused about why they had to deal with this strange new setup at their office, that’s for sure. I guess they could consider it an interesting choice in décor.

New Desk
When you’re doing hard labor or working with your hands, it’s probably not the best idea to wear rings or other jewelry. Most construction workers know this and try to avoid losing too much of their personal property. However, one manager simply couldn’t go without his expensive green diamond ring. He worked laying asphalt, which resulted in this sticky situation with his $50,000 ring. Needless to say, the boss’ reputation with his employees definitely wasn’t aided by this interesting slip-up.

Boss’ Ring
Deals at restaurants and food service establishments are usually created to help customers save when they buy in bulk. When this customer noticed some prices that didn’t add up, he decided to say something. Buying six macaron cookies individually worked out to be cheaper than purchasing the six-pack. When they brought it up to management, the boss simply told him that he wasn’t supposed to notice the disparity. This was not exactly the diplomatic response that the customer was expecting.

Sales Sign
Cutting corners is not a great way to save money. When you’re in charge of a team of staff or a whole business, cutting corners could mean putting the health of your workers in jeopardy. When one employee pointed out the horrible quality of their workplace water filter, he was hoping for his boss to offer up a replacement. Unfortunately, he was just met with claims that the water filter was still working fine. Now he doesn’t even feel comfortable drinking water at work!

Water Filter
When this employee took a day off work, he came back to discover a pretty unimpressive swap that had been made at his desk. He used to have a nice, massive monitor and all it took was one day off to get stuck with a tiny one. Rather than talking to him or asking him about the swap, this boss decided to take the easy route and do the switch when no one would be around to confront him about it.

Computer Monitor