Boy Pets Something Before Knowing What It Was

Published on November 29, 2021
Taking a vacation is a fun time for the entire family. Everyone enjoys the relaxation of being in a new place and trying new things. However, most people don’t think about how dangerous certain areas can be, such as the beach and ocean.

One family went to the beach for the day, as many other tourists do. They thought it was a normal day for them to relax and see the sights, but then their son felt something that almost made him fall in. What was this creature? Was it harmful to them and others? Keep reading to find out!

Something Stirs

The water was moving in the light’s reflection like something was underneath. Then, a boy felt something touch his feet, almost making him lose balance. He got back up the stairs and hoped he was safe. He wanted to see what tried to grab him but didn’t expect the sheer size.

Something Stirs

Something Stirs

A Legendary Creature

La Gomera is known for its picturesque landscapes and beautiful beaches. Located in the Spanish Canary Islands, visitors come from everywhere. However, no one had seen something like this, and rumors soon spread about the creature that lived in the beach’s shallow waters.

A Legendary Creature

A Legendary Creature


Beneath the Waves

Joel had been enjoying his Valle Gran Rey resort vacation, but then he met a horrific sight. He and his parents were keen to surf, but he might not have been as overjoyed if he realized what was beneath him while he was playing!

Beneath The Waves

Beneath The Waves


The Footage

Thankfully, Joel’s encounter was caught on camera, but he had no idea the YouTube video might go viral. It accumulated over 50 million views and circulated on every social media platform. This video begins with a boy in the water.

The Footage

The Footage


Waiting and Watching

Joel was playing in the water, and something wanted to join him. The water frothed, and something from below barrels straight for the young boy. Then, it rears its alien-like and smooth head. Was Joe able to see it before it got him?

Waiting And Watching

Waiting And Watching


An Illusion

Just as fast as it came, it left. People questioned if they’d seen anything from the concrete walkway. Could it have been a trick of the mind? The current may have made it seem like something was there, but then they checked the footage and knew they were lucky.

An Illusion

An Illusion


The Black Mass Rises

Soon, the black water was churning again, and the animal returned. The horror of having something touch you when nothing is there is a nightmare. However, when it reappears, it makes it so much worse!

The Black Mass Rises

The Black Mass Rises


Crowd Warnings

Those watching the event shouted at Joel to get away from the water. They thought it might be a shark. However, he wanted to see what tried to knock him into the water and thought it might be a whale.

Crowd Warnings

Crowd Warnings


What It Could Be

Humpback whales do get close to harbors. Roughly 300 have been spotted in New York’s harbor recently to look for food. After he assessed the situation, Joel knew it couldn’t have been a whale because it was nimble, and he wanted to learn more.

What It Could Be

What It Could Be


The Unforgettable Scene

Joel scrambled up the steps to get a better view and remain safe. He turned to meet a sight that no one there could forget. This enormous creature comes from the sea, dragging itself to the lowest step until it’s close enough to touch the boy!

The Unforgettable Scene

The Unforgettable Scene



In the video, viewers can see the full size of the creature. Water rolls from its back, revealing an oily, colossal body. Joel had never seen one before or been accosted by one. Everyone stood in horror and shock to see what happened next.




The Unearthly Creature

This almost unearthly creature lurched forward, and onlookers gave a startled cry as they realized what it was. In fact, this is a huge manta ray that spans 4 meters wide. Is it dangerous? Why did it go after Joel?

The Unearthly Creature

The Unearthly Creature



This giant manta ray is much bigger than the boy, at triple the size. Onlookers yelled at Joel to come back. However, he was smiling instead of being scared. He hollered that it was okay and that she wasn’t what they thought.




Sliding a Hand Inside

Now, Joel knew what to do. He’d been coming to the same spot for a few days and knew what this manta ray wanted. The crowd just watched as the creature opened its mouth to let Joel put his hand inside and open up his fist.

Sliding A Hand Inside

Sliding A Hand Inside


Sense of Danger

Everyone watched this boy put his hand in the beast’s mouth. They all thought he might be injured by the wild animal, but that didn’t happen. No one expected what came next!

Sense Of Danger

Sense Of Danger


Wild Animal

This wild animal opened its mouth and waited until Joel removed his hand before biting down on what he got. There was a gasp of relief from everyone when they realized that this beautiful scene was happening before them.

Wild Animal

Wild Animal



The manta ray came up with a great way to get a meal and was unafraid of humans. It brazenly came up to tourists, who obliged and fed it once they got over the shock. Joel had some food in his hand to tempt the manta ray!




Happy Manta Ray

After he fed it a few times, Joel stroked its smooth back. The manta ray responded by waving a fin to say thank you. Then, it left for a few moments and came back for more petting, finally leaving Joel for a while.

Happy Manta Ray

Happy Manta Ray


Waiting for Treats

To the Vueltas people, the fishing harbor was where many unbelievable scenes took place. They recognize these creatures and know that manta rays follow the fishing boats to get a few tasty treats. Still, fishermen and sailors weren’t so tolerant sometimes.

Waiting For Treats

Waiting For Treats


The Omen

Manta ray superstitions persisted, mainly because the creatures were so large and strong. Some sailors believe that they’re bad luck. However, in 1978, another side of the animal was revealed!

The Omen

The Omen


A Friendly Giant

California divers started filming interactions with the bay manta rays to show people that they were placid and posed no threat to humans. However, with the rise of social media, people could record and share their experiences, too.

A Friendly Giant

A Friendly Giant


Needing Help

In one video, a group of divers found a stingray swimming to them and realized that it was caught in a net. They untangled it and let it go on its way. However, that also highlighted a danger the rays face.

Needing Help

Needing Help



Unfortunately, many rays end up entangled in fishing nets. It happens so much that conservationists feel the species is soon to be extinct. Footage of the beasts being friendly toward humans could help, and thanks to the videos, manta tourism is popular!





Manta tourism raises awareness of their plight and boosts the local economy. In fact, Indonesia banned manta fishing because tourism was more profitable. A single hunted ray brings about $500, but a live animal attraction can earn $1 million within its lifetime.




The Other Curious Creature

In Wareham, Massachusetts, one unknown creature caused mayhem, and the police station had the worst of it. Calls came in every day that people had seen a threatening-looking creature swimming around. However, there was a problem.

The Other Curious Creature

The Other Curious Creature


Worried Locals

Some callers had a terrifying account to tell, but others worried that it was hurt. Garry Buckminster said he got calls on his personal phone starting at 6:30 AM. Each person said something different, but they were all concerned.

Worried Locals

Worried Locals


Similar Reports

Though the intention of the calls was different, they all said this creature moved strangely. It was large and had jerky movements. Some thought it was a vicious shark and others worried it was an injured seal, but the truth shocked them all!

Similar Reports

Similar Reports


Sending Detectives

Buckminster wanted to solve this mystery and sent two officers to search the cove. It wasn’t long before they saw it in the water. As they got closer, they realized that it was something called a Sunfish.

Sending Detectives

Sending Detectives



They confirmed that the creature was fine and not suffering. It’s just how it swims, and it looks a bit clumsy from far away. However, tourists kept calling, so the police issued a statement telling everyone about the Sunfish, which soon became an amusement source to everyone.




Raising Awareness

As pollution, climate change, and overfishing affect oceans more, conservation efforts are crucial. While the officer’s and Joel’s encounters make a great video, they also bring awareness for the species. When people see them more, they realize that they’re sensitive and friendly.

Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness


Beach Time

Hunter was 7 years old and wanted to go to the beach. When they finally arrived, he raced to the waves. He wanted to go snorkeling, build sandcastles, and collect shells and had to get started immediately!

Beach Time

Beach Time


Great Start

The weather was perfect that day, and few people were there. In a sense, this boy had the beach to himself. He was thinking all sorts of things when his mom allowed him to go a bit further than normal without realizing how bad of an idea it was.

Great Start

Great Start


Something New

Hunter kicked at the waves and dragged his feet in the sand as he wandered along the shore. Normally, driftwood, shells, and snails caught his attention, but he saw a flash of blue he’d never noticed before.

Something New

Something New


Questioning It

He inched closer with curiosity. It might be a seashell or pretty stone. Hunter enjoyed reading books and was confident. However, he worried that it could be trash but soon realized it was alive.

Questioning It

Questioning It


Very Strange

It almost looked like an alien with tendrils. This creature swayed and twitched in the water, and Hunter wanted to show his parents. Could he have discovered a new species? However, his knowledge of nature ended up saving his life!

Very Strange

Very Strange


Being Careful

He realized that many dangerous things live in the ocean. Hunter scooped it up in a shovel and put it in the bucket. Then, he ran to his dad to show him, but his dad was fearful almost instantly.

Being Careful

Being Careful


Terrified Father

His dad told Hunter to put it down as if it were a bomb. The boy’s joy drained, and his hands shook while he set the bucket down. Something was wrong, and then his dad told him there was no swimming that day.

Terrified Father

Terrified Father


Local Warnings

Hunter desperately wanted to know what was happening. Then, his dad grabbed his phone and checked the local news. Those creatures weren’t new; they were very dangerous and well-known.

Local Warnings

Local Warnings


Type of Slug

Those sea animals are blue dragon slugs. They shouldn’t be touched and were highly toxic. Though Hunter was terrified to come across one, he was curious. His dad let him use the phone to learn more.

Type Of Slug

Type Of Slug


Better to Be Safe

The local government actually issued a warning to those in the area. That’s the main reason why no one was at the beach. This goes to show that awareness and education are crucial!

Better To Be Safe

Better To Be Safe