Man Builds Abandoned Puppies Beautiful Homes

Published on October 24, 2019
Thailand is an extravagant country full of beautiful people, fascinating culture, and mouth-watering food. However, like all countries and people, there is a less pleasant side to Thailand. The population of stray dogs in this and many other countries is staggering. Thousands of strays go hungry or have to brave the harsh elements without shelter every day. Luckily for these innocent animals, an unnamed man is taking this injustice into his own hands. Not only is he saving animals, but he’s also creating art as he does so.
Stray Dog

Stray Dog

What Is He Doing?

This man is crouched over a hole in the ground, but what’s in there that is so interesting?  Well, if you look over this man’s right shoulder, you’ll see a tiny puppy cowering in the dirt. This puppy has been abandoned, and his brothers and sisters are still trapped in the hole. This kind soul is rescuing them from their otherwise bleak fate. Located in Thailand, this man spends his time searching the countryside near his home for abandoned litters of puppies.

Abandoned Puppies

Abandoned Puppies

Look At That Face

Just look at those furry puppies all curled up next to each other. They appear to be only a few weeks old. Some people may be questioning how someone could possibly abandon these adorable furry babies. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, dogs aren’t viewed as animals that should live in the comfort of your home. For many, dogs aren’t pets but dangerous nuisances that roam the street. This, combined with the lack of neutering facilities, creates an overwhelming dog population.

Puppies In A Basket

Puppies In A Basket

Building A Contraption

In this photo, we can see he has laid down a base of some sort with a small supporting wall. On top of this base, the man is currently building what looks like a frame for a dog house. He is either using twine, or perhaps even some pliable vines, to tie the structure together. He is using a soft, bendable wood and shaping it to be the roof. Although it certainly looks like the skeleton of a house, this structure surely can’t be sturdy enough to be a home.

Building a Frame

Building a Frame

Building A Roof

This intricate pile of sticks is starting to look more like a house. Here we see our wilderness man hard at work laying down a roof for this home. The materials he is using is one part grass to two parts mud mixed with water until it reaches the right consistency. This mud mixture dries in the sun, so it is essential to have structures built with this material in direct sunlight in order to dry properly. It appears he’s even added windows to the house.

Mud Roof

Mud Roof

Using What Nature Has To Offer

Our wilderness man exclusively uses materials that nature has provided him. The only tools he uses are his own two hands. He gathers materials such as bamboo, leaves, stones, and water from the countryside in Thailand where he lives. He aims to not only save animals but show people how to use their natural resources. He wants people to get in touch with their roots of making what they need from scratch. He’s probably making it seem much easier than it looks.

Thailand Countryside

Thailand Countryside

The Flintstones’ Home

With its arched doorway and single window, this home is starting to look like that of the Flintstones. The time and effort that went into building this home is awe-inspiring. Most of us can barely build a sandcastle or a snow fort without giving up, let alone an actual structure that was meant to withstand the elements. These puppies have no idea what a turn of luck they are in for. It looks like only a little bit more mixture is needed to complete this home.

Almost Done

Almost Done

Adding More Amenities

As if building these abandoned puppies a home wasn’t enough, this man has gone above and beyond, adding a pond and a well to their home. It appears a different type of material, possibly clay, was used to make the pond water-tight. Jutting from the well is a hollow piece of bamboo meant to transfer water into the pond. Talk about using your resources. This is one man you want with you when you’re trapped on a deserted island.

Pond And Well

Pond And Well

Time To Decorate

What’s a house without decorations? Our wilderness man has added grass to create a yard because even dogs like to feel the grass between their toes. This grass was torn up with the roots still in, so this grass will reroot here and grow naturally. Plants and bright orange flowers were added to the well for a pop of color. Knowing how puppies act, however, it’s doubtful how long those pretty flowers might actually stay there. It’s the thought that counts, though.

New Yard

New Yard

Puppies Like To Swing Too

This basket is the perfect size for a pup to just curl up and fall asleep. There is no shortage of amenities at this doggie hotel. It seems our wilderness man has thought of everything a puppy could ever want. This swing is made from a hand-woven basket. These hand-woven baskets are popular in the Thailand countryside where this man resides, although it’s certain their more common uses aren’t for holding tiny puppies. They’re commonly sold to tourists visiting the country.



Welcome Home Puppies

Here, we see our furry friends’ hero introducing them to their new home. Curious, as most puppies are, these dogs tip-toe around the area, checking out the new sights and smelling the new smells. They seem cautious but probably because they think this home is too good to be true; they even have an in ground pool right next to their house. That will be nice during the Thailand summer. These puppies went from homeless to living a life of luxury, and we couldn’t be happier for them. 

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Sniffing His New Home

Having only suffered hardship throughout his short life, this little guy seems very skittish about searching his new home. After all, he was starving, trapped in a hole in the ground only a few short hours ago. He approaches the water like it’s something scary that’s going to hurt him. As he looks around and gives everything a good sniff, he slowly becomes more relaxed in his new home. He’ll soon come to realize that’ll he’ll never have to worry again.

Puppy Exploring

Puppy Exploring

We Get Food Too?

It’s chow time for these pups, they had a long day. These puppies went from paupers to princes in only a few short hours. The generous person that saved this grateful litter cooked them up a dinner of boiled rice and eggs. These siblings have no problem sharing with each other. Judging by their shape and fur, these dogs are likely to be mutts. The Thai refer to these dogs as “soi” dogs. “Soi” is Thai for “side street” or “alley.” 

Dinner Time

Dinner Time

Now What Is He Doing?

He already built a pond, what is he doing digging another hole? The hole he’s standing in appears to be about three feet deep, and there is what seems to be the beginnings of a hole directly across from him. Is he building a secret underground bunker for the dogs? Maybe not likely, but there aren’t very many people who would do what he has already done, so who knows what he has in store. Odds are, it’s another water source.



Building A Robot

This silly little wooden sculpture with its locked arms looks like a robot. The details on this little guy are impressive, and he even comes with his own hat. Although it’s adorable, it’s function is unclear. Certainly, it’s not a doll for the dogs to play with it, and if it were a chew toy, why go to the trouble of adding so much detail. This man has only produced exemplary work so far, so we shall have to wait and see.

Robot Doll

Robot Doll

We Play After We Eat

Dinner time is over for the dogs, but it seems their rescuer was hard at work while they were chowing down. As if one pond wasn’t enough, our wilderness man has built two additional ponds and has even filled them up with fish and foliage. A wooden bridge even allows the puppy to safely cross the water without getting their little paws wet. The watermill, with its ornamental sculptures, adds a touch of whimsy to this already fairy-tale like abode. If you look closely, you can see the little sculpture of the man from the previous photo.

Fish Pond

Fish Pond

That’s Not All

The house we just watched the wilderness man build wasn’t a one-time thing. This man is constantly looking for abandoned animals, not only dogs, and making them insane, fantastical homes. The home pictured below has an even bigger pool with dozens of fish. These dogs will never not have water to drink or a place to cool off. It’s all the same for them. These pups even get a cute little swing of their own too. This home looks like a slice of paradise.



A Home Fit For A King

These lucky dogs literally live in a castle. This man went all out and built high walls, spires, and stairs to make this castle fit for queens and kings. If you look closely, it’s clear these puppies are disheveled and dirty. They couldn’t have had a good start in life and have had the good fortune of coming across this generous man. Forget luxury, these pups will grow up as royalty. Now, if he could only make them some crowns.

Mud Castle

Mud Castle

What Kinds Of Dogs Live In Thailand?

Out of the many mutts that roam the streets, there is one purebred dog that can trace its roots to Thailand. The Thai Ridgeback, as the name implies, originates from Thailand. They have a distinct strip of hair running down the middle of their back that grows in the opposite direction of the rest of their coat. These are strong and highly energetic dogs that were once used for hunting purposes. They have a very short coat, which can vary in color.

Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgeback

Are Those Giant Treats?

It seems water features are this guy’s specialty. He has built these dogs three separate ponds sustained by two large wells. Those bone-shaped rocks are impressive too, and it’s hard to imagine they came from the wild in that shape. Actually, they’re not rocks at all. He created a frame using twine and sticks and built the frame into the shape of a bone. He then used mud to fill in the spaces and create these impressive bone-shaped sculptures that cover the dogs’ sleeping space.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon

Lower The Drawbridge

Meet dog castle 2.0. Unlike the first dog castle we saw, this one has a drawbridge and a moat. This castle is beautifully decorated with bright flowers and gorgeous watermills that have spouts of water pouring on them. Although the puppy in the left hand corner seems to be a bit confused by his new surroundings, the rest of the pups are happily roaming the castle grounds. Now, the puppies only need to work on growing thumbs so they can use the drawbridge.



A Mud Taj Mahal

This structure looks like the mud version of the Taj Mahal. This massive structure has plenty of room for puppies to sleep, play, and wrestle in. They even have a pool shaped like their favorite treat! Hopefully, the dogs on the top floor don’t get too crazy and try to dive into it. After spending hours building this extraordinary home, instead of taking a break, our wilderness man cooked up a few bowls of rice and eggs and fed them to these hungry pups.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Poor Beginnings

This little guy can’t believe his luck. He went from starving in a dirt hole to being king of a castle. This little guy is truly getting the royal treatment. The dirt and scars on his face are evidence of his humble beginnings. There are many dangerous predators lurking in Thailand, and this pup is lucky he didn’t end up on a predator’s dinner plate. Now he has four walls to keep him safe, so long as no one takes their castle.

Dirty Puppy

Dirty Puppy

King Of The World

These puppies can’t get enough of these elaborate castles! This particular castle has its own courtyard, bathtub, and plenty of room for roaming around. These new princes and princesses will probably never have to leave their castle again! Check out the attention to detail with those castle spires; he even included arrowslits into the walls, something medieval archers would use to fire arrows safely. Although the detail is astonishing, we doubt these pups will be firing arrows any time soon.

Castle Full Of Puppies

Castle Full Of Puppies

Taking A Swim Break

Constructing elaborate homes for animals has to be hard work, especially under the unforgiving heat of the Thai sun. Our puppy savior is taking a short break from building houses (more like mansions), and is taking a swim with one of his rescued dogs. This dog seems a little fearful of plunging into the water, but we know this kind man won’t let anything happen to him. Once he jumps into the cool water, he’ll soon love it.

Swim Break

Swim Break

Keeping It Simple

Our puppy saver decided to keep it simple with this one. He built a simple, ranch style home with plenty of windows for airflow. On either side of the house are peaceful ponds full of lilypads. These rescued puppies seem to be liking the simplistic style of their new home. The puppy in the corner is already curled up into a ball, fast asleep. These dogs are so lucky to have been found by this man.

Simple Home

Simple Home

What Happens After He Builds The Houses

Any dog lover would agree that they want to adopt every dog they come across. Unfortunately, adopting all these dogs would be very unrealistic due to the high volume that our wilderness man rescues. He builds these adorable abodes in the countryside near his home and lets the dogs live freely there, checking up on them from time to time. The dogs learn to survive and hunt for their own food, as feeding them would not only be costly but probably take up his entire day. As we’ve seen, he brings food to the g, newly rescued pups.

Stray Pups

Stray Pups

Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork

It seems our friend doesn’t always work alone. Here we see our wilderness man with a friend who, assumingely, built this new puppy house with him. It’s heart-warming to know that there is another good soul in this world helping unfortunate animals. This house has a raised foundation and a back wall decorated with vibrant flowers. It seems quite a few puppies are fortunate enough to call this place home. If their new home gets too hot, no worries, they have a couple pools to cool off in.



Adding A Touch Of Class

Although all the dog homes we’ve seen so far have been unique and impressive, our friends have stepped up their game in this one. This house is still made of the same mud mixture, but these two men have pressed decorative rocks into the drying mall to create a beautiful mosaic. The roofs even have “shingles” made out of bamboo shoots. A bamboo ramp brings the puppies to the top floor of their glorious mansion. These dogs are living the good life!

Dog Mansion

Dog Mansion

What Do Stray Dogs Eat?

What do stray dogs eat when they are not fed rice and eggs by our kind house-building friends? Dog are descendants of wolves, so it only makes sense that they would hunt for their food, right? Well, dogs are a little bit lazier than wolves. While they will hunt down and kill small rodents and other animals, they prefer to scavenge. Strays gather in highly populated areas because they know people are wasteful and will throw out their extra food. They like to scavenge for our left-overs.

Hungry Dog

Hungry Dog

Wait, That’s Not A Puppy

It turns out puppies aren’t the only animal our wilderness man rescues. He saves bunnies as well, which are a common source of food in India. Although less elaborate, the sentiment behind this home is just as sweet and touching. This rabbit has plenty of food, water, and room to hop around. His house provides sufficient shelter form the monsoon-like storms Thailand often experiences. This bunny looks perfectly content while checking out his new yard. He even has a white picket fence! Well, close enough.

Bunny Home

Bunny Home

Bunnies  Deserve Mansions Too

Not only are these bunnies lucky to have been saved from someone’s dinner plate, but now they get to live in their own mansion surrounded by a moat. Although the plethora of fish is confusing, as rabbits don’t eat fish, these bunnies have plenty of grass to nibble on. They even have a bridge in case they want to go scavenge for food or just want to take a stroll. This goes above any bunny cage that can be bought at the pet store.

Bunny Mansion

Bunny Mansion

A Secret Garden For Bunnies

This house and garden look straight from a fairy-tale book. The home is adorable, and the garden has so much vibrant color. It appears the black bunny in the corner is taking the time to appreciate the flowers. The added water feature is a beautiful touch, and it ensures the bunnies will never have to leave their home again! These fizzy critters are having so much exploring their new home. Now, let’s just hope these bunnies are neutered, or else that house is going to need a second story.

Whimsical Garden

Whimsical Garden

Welcome To The Hotel Thailand

These white balls of fluff are absolutely precious, and it is so touching to know that they have been saved from being slaughtered. These bunnies probably went from being in a cage to owning their own hotel with enough rooms to sleep one bunny per room. The house is sided with colorful bamboo stalks, some of which look to be painted. When it gets too hot, they have a rabbit-shaped pool for them to dip their long, pointy ears in. 

Rabbit Hotel

Rabbit Hotel

She’s A Dancing Pig

No, it doesn’t stop at bunnies and puppies but, are you surprised? This man helps build shelters for rescued pigs too. We can see our wilderness man’s friend holding up a rescue pig, although we are not quite sure what he’s doing. It seems like he’s trying to make the pig dance, and the pig isn’t having it. Besides the forced dancing, the pigs have a cute little home complete with a pool, shelter, and a fence to keep pests out.

Pig Shelter

Pig Shelter

Paradise Fit For A Pig

Here, we have another shelter for our pig friends. These pigs are only babies, so this size home is perfect for them for the time being. The two friends are checking the pig to make sure he is okay and doesn’t need any medical treatment. Although their home appears dull compared to what we’ve seen already, these pigs can enjoy the luxury of owning a house with a fenced-in yard, an extravagance few of us have. These pigs are living the good life.

Simple Pig Home

Simple Pig Home

Building ‘Till The Cows Come Home

Although this structure isn’t specifically for the cows, it is still intriguing. It basically looks like a treehouse sans tree. Up on the platform, there is a low table with a few objects placed on it. This duo probably uses the platform when they want to relax and keep an eye on all their animal friends. The heart-shaped pool with connecting slide in the background definitely looks like a blast too. Perhaps that will be used in a future animal shelter.

Platform Lookout

Platform Lookout

Sometimes You Have to Take a Break

You have to admit, these guys deserve a break. So, what did they do to treat themselves? If you think they checked into a unique Air BnB, then you’d be wrong. This duo actually built this home themselves. This house is clearly meant for relaxation as the pool is nearly the size of the building. These two made this home with literal sticks and stones, and it is far better than most apartment units cities like New York City have to offer.



Not Just For Animals

This impressive duo does more than build homes for animals. They build homes and structures that people can use too. While this house is much too small for living in, its quaint facade can very much be appreciated. This little abode is perfect for an intimate picnic and then cooling off in the handmade pool. If they ever grow bored of the home, all they need to do is take the door off, and now it’s a home for an animal.

Small Home

Small Home

What Have We Here?

Here we find the boys mid-construction. This is what one of their homes looks like before the grande finale. These two have used blocks to create a depression in the ground, which they intend to fill with water. Everything these use they gather from nature, and it’s truly impressive how much they can achieve with their own bare hands. The small structure in the middle is just a shelter covering up the part of the pool that extends beneath it.

Pool Mid Construction

Pool Mid Construction

BYO Waterpark

How do these two men keeping raising the bar with every slide? The cabana house with a view is impressive enough on its own, but apparently, that was not enough for these friends. They built a pool next to their cabana too, but the pool wasn’t enough, so they built a slide. The slide wasn’t enough, so they then decided to make the slide taller than the actual cabana. Why go to the waterpark when you can build your own?



It’s Too Hot, So We Moved Underground

This wasn’t a random hole in the area that this fantastic duo decided to put a home in. This was level-ground, and these men had to dig out this entire space, including the space inside the tiny house. They gave the little home siding, a front door, a window, oh, and a walk-up pool. Although many of us are jealous at this pretty sweet set-up, we all know these two deserve it. Their efforts prove that if we want an underground home and pool, then we can just build one ourselves.

Underground Home

Underground Home

This Takes The Cake

This phenomenal, underground pool and spa is, by far, this duo’s most impressive feat. This photo looks like it came from a five-star hotel and not some guy’s backyard. This picture exudes relaxation with its peaceful blue water and calming candles. These men need to start getting into the contracting business because who wouldn’t want a secret, underground spa in their backyard. The sunlight filtering in through the holes poked in the ceiling proves that this is not a hoax.

Underwater Pool

Underground Pool

A Warning To Dog Lover’s

Please keep in mind that the dogs the men were rescuing in the video were puppies. The Thailand government urges visitors never to approach stray dogs. As cute as the dogs are and as sad as their situations may be, these dogs are not innocent little puppies. These strays are hungry and territorial. While it is unlikely for strays to be aggressive, it is best to stay away, because it is unknown what kind of diseases they may carry. If you want to help, head on over to the next slide to see how.

Stray Dog

Stray Dog

Is There Anything Being Done By The Stray Population

There are a few programs in Thailand that are doing their best to control the stray population. VetVan Thailand is a mobile company that visits local veterinarian offices in efforts to control the dog population. They use the system TNR (trap, neuter, return), to safely capture animals and spay or neuter them. Once the animals have healed, they release them back into their accustomed environment. They are a noble company doing their best to help dogs and cats one animal at a time.



What Can You Do To Help Dogs In Thailand?

These men aren’t alone in their efforts to help animals in Thailand, although their creative efforts do set them apart. Monetary donations can be made to the  Elephant Nature Park Dog Project, Phangan Animal Care for Strays, and the Soi Dog Foundation. Is there a trip to Thailand in your future? These foundations are easily accessible and take food/ item donations, as well. There is definitely room in your suitcase for a spare blanket or some dog treats. Alternatively, you could save your money and buy the items right in Thailand for a low price.

Dog Sanctuary

Dog Sanctuary

What About The Stray Dogs In The Rest Of The World?

Our Wilderness man and his friend are doing more than their fair share for the strays of Thailand, but what about the rest of the world? On the other side of the globe, in the town of Fort Worth, Texas, resides a man with just as big a heart and creativity. The way in which he enriches the lives of stray dogs is playful and unique, possibly even more so than our friends in Thailand. Read on to judge for yourself.

Fortworth, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Meet Eugene Bostick

Eugene Bostick lives on a farm on a dead-end road in Fortworth, Texas. Now 80, he has been retired for 15 years. Since retiring, Eugene has had more time to spend at home and noticed something peculiar. People would drive down the dead end, park, get out of the car, and abruptly leave. Curious, Eugene and his brother Corky investigated and discovered people were dropping off unwanted dogs and puppies like they were garbage. This wasn’t a single occurrence, but something that happened quite frequently. 

Eugene And Corky

Eugene And Corky

What To Do With All These Dogs?

Eugene didn’t have to do anything at all. As the adage goes, not my monkey, so not my circus. However, Eugene isn’t the type of person to turn a blind eye to such cruelty, and neither was his brother, Corky. Together, they began rescuing these dogs. They fed them, brought them to the vet, and gave them a place to stay, but that wasn’t enough for Eugene. These dogs had a hard life, and he felt obligated to give them the best that he had to offer. One day he came up with an idea.

Rescued Dogs

Rescued Dogs

The Beginning Of Something Great

What was Eugene’s brilliant idea? He bought a tractor. Feeling underwhelmed? Don’t worry, it gets more interesting. After obtaining his tractor, he loaded up the dogs into a cart attached to the machine and went for a ride. Although they had plenty of room on his farm, he felt as though it was only fair that they got to see more of the world, well, at least more of his neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas.  However, they soon ran into a problem.

Tractor Ride

Tractor Ride

The Cutest Train in The World

What was the problem Eugene encountered? He had too many dogs! They couldn’t possibly all fit into one cart, and there was no way he could take them for a ride one at a time. Even for a retired person with time to kill, that would take up the entire day. Eugene decided he would simply make more carts. He attached the carts end to end from each other until he had his very own dog train with eight carts.

Dog Train

Dog Train

Where Did This Genius Idea Come From?

Eugene got this idea when he saw a local using his tractor to carry a cart full of rocks. If a tractor can haul a cart full of rocks, then it can probably pull a cart full of dogs, right? Eugene used empty, 50-gallon barrels for the body of the cart and cut out an opening for the dog to get inside. He then attached wheels to the bottom of it to make it mobile. Sometimes he even lines the carts with blankets to keep the dogs comfortable. 

Happy Passenger

Happy Passenger

Do The Dogs Approve?

As we can see, the dogs are clearly enjoying themselves. This guy is even standing up and barking with joy. Is that the human equivalent of putting your hands up while on a rollercoaster? Eugene says the dogs love their rides and come running whenever they hear the tractor start up. Despite being 80, Eugene makes the effort to take them out on the train at least twice a week and plans on doing so until he is not able to anymore.

Going For A Ride

Going For A Ride

A Lesson To Be Learned

While these dogs are lucky to have been found by Eugene, most dogs don’t receive that fortunate ending. Dogs are living creatures that have been raised to be dependent on human beings. People should never purchase a dog if they don’t intend to give the dog a lifetime commitment. They are animals, not toys to be tossed aside when no longer entertaining. Not only is abandoning a dog cruel, but if the dog is not spayed or neutered, you are only contributing to the overpopulation of stray dogs.

Lucky Dogs

Lucky Dogs

Cats Need Saving Too

Meet Chris Arsenault. Like the other benevolent people on our list, Chris spends his time taking in animals that others have thrown away or given up on. Unlike the other people on our list, though, dogs are not his specialty. Chris is a cat lover and has saved the lives of hundreds of cats and is on a steady pace to save thousands in his lifetime. He has done something incredible that most people would never dream of doing.

Chris Arsenault

Chris Arsenault

A Tragedy Like No Other

Chris is a proud father of a son named Eric. This parent’s worst nightmare came true in 2006 when his only son lost s life in a tragic motorcycle accident. Eric was only 24. The loss of a child is a tragedy few of us can comprehend, and none of us ever want to experience. Like many who lose a child, Chris was lost and had no idea what to do. He was still reeling from this tragedy when, in that same year, he made a heart-breaking discovery that put a little bit of meaning back into his life.

Chris And Family

Chris And Family

Chris Finds Something That Moves Him

Chris is a resident of Long Island, New York. Long Island is a bustling community with a population of over 7.5 million people. However, in the aftermath of the loss of his son, the population felt like zero. Chris was lost and felt alone. One day while walking through his neighborhood, he came across something not uncommon in New York, a community of stray cats. Many of the cats were small kittens, and even more of them were visibly sick. Rather than keep walking like everyone else in Long Island, Chris knew he had to do something.

Eric Arsenault

Eric Arsenault

An Act Of Love

Chris saw a group of 30 sick, and some dying, cats, and did what virtually none of would do. He took them all in. He brought every single one of those stray cats home and paid for all of them to go to the vet. The cats were loving and grateful. They knew Chris saved their lives, and Chris new his life had new meaning. Fully aware that there were more cats in need of care in New York, he decided to buy a property in 2007 and went into caring for cats full time. 

Chris And His Cats

Chris And His Cats

The Happy Cat Sanctuary

Chris started The Happy Cat Sanctuary in 2007. He started taking in strays he would find and adopting unwanted cats from the shelter. His cat family of 30 doubled in size and then tripled until it finally grew to be a family of over 300 cats. Chris loves all of his cats, and they are entirely grateful to have such a beautiful place to call home. His spacious backyard has a jungle gym, perches to sleep and climb on, water fountains, and food sources everywhere.

Cat Sanctuary

Cat Sanctuary

Is Having That Many Cats Sanitary?

Anyone that’s ever walked into a home with an unkempt litter box knows that having cats can be, well, stinky. Chris understands this and makes safety and cleanliness his top priority. He spends every day cleaning out litter boxes and wiping down the various surfaces the cats use. His efforts are not only to prevent unpleasant odors but to ensure the safety of the cats as well. He spends the rest of his day feeding and playing with them, oftentimes treating them to roast chicken dinners.

Christmas With Chris

Christmas With Chris

Tricked Out House

Where do all these cats sleep? Many walls in Chris’ home have been renovated like the one below to accommodate the cats. Cats are natural climbers and have no trouble jumping up onto such high surfaces. Every room in the house belongs to them except for Chris’ tiny bedroom, which is his own sanctuary. He most likely doesn’t allow the cats in his room because his bed would be overloaded with cats.

Cat Beds

Cat Beds

Is It Expensive?

As can be imagined, caring for over 300 cats can become expensive. Costs of operating the facility run at about $200,00 every year. This price includes food, employees, cat litter, supplies, and veterinarian expenses. Chris ensures that every single cat that comes into his facility is spayed or neutered, this is to ensure they won’t reproduce and add to the overwhelming stray population in New York. Chris has many supporters that believe in his cause and receive numerous donations towards his sanctuary.

Amputated Cat

Amputated Cat

Discovering More Injustice In The World

Everyone loves a heart-warming story; unfortunately, there needs to be a sad beginning in order to achieve a heart-warming ending. Brody and Katie found the tragic origin of their story while they were rock climbing in Colorado. Both professional rock climbers, they were equipped with climbing gear, including rope, water, and dog treats for a day full of fun. Who were the dog treats for? They were originally for their dog Spaghetti, however, their plans took a different turn.



Coyotes In The Distance

The couple hears a strange sound in the distance. They are not quite sure, but they think it’s the sound of coyotes howling. They ignore it and continue on with their adventure. Coyotes are common in Colorado, and although they are not known to attack humans, its best to avoid them altogether. The couple continues on their journey, but the noise persists. As they get closer, they realize the sound is less how-like and more of a whimper. Curious, they look around, and their stomachs drop when they realize where the sound is coming from.



How Did They Get There?

Perched high up on a cliff, are two small dogs. They are in a mini-ravine and trapped. Horrified, the two hikers look around for the dogs’ owners. Surely they must be nearby, frantically searching for their lost animals. They call out and search for the missing owners, but as time moves on, the truth becomes evident. The dogs’ owners aren’t around. Someone dropped those dogs there on purpose and left, knowing the two pups would be trapped there.

Trapped Dogs

Trapped Dogs

Time To Spring Into Action

Like our wilderness friends and Eugene, Brody and Katie can’t stand by and pretend they didn’t see the dogs. They immediately take on the responsibility of saving these two animals. Luckily for these trapped dogs, Brody and Katie are expert climbers. Katie stays behind with Spaghetti and documents what happens next. Brody puts on all his climbing gear and climbs up the sheer rock wall to reach the trapped dogs. Once level with the dogs, the man finds himself on a perch barely wide enough to stand. 

Brody Climbing

Brody Climbing

Scared And Confused

Brody and Katie have no idea how long these dogs have been trapped on this tiny little perch, but it is evident from their emaciated bodies that it has been a while. Brody looks around, and it is clear that the dogs did not accidentally wind up in their location. There was no place to accidentally slip and fall from. Both dogs are wearing a harness, and it is clear to Brody some sick person brought these dogs here and placed them in their location to die.

Scared Dogs

Scared Dogs

Grateful And Starving

These dogs are apprehensive of Brody at first, but as soon as he pulls out his bag of dog treats, they are his best friends. It takes no time for the dogs to scarf down the food. They eat directly from Brody’s hand, indicating they are domesticated, and someone took the time to train them. It’s deeply disturbing to think someone brought an animal into their home, took the time to train it to be a good dog, and just dumped them in the wilderness without a chance of survival

Eating From His Hand

Eating From His Hand

Now  For The Tricky Part

With his expertise, Brody was able to scale the mountain with ease, but it’s likely he’s never had to repel down a mountain while holding two dogs before. He adapts to the situation and straps both the dogs to his lap. He holds on to them closely as he repels down the cliff to return to Katie and Spaghetti. The dogs are entirely calm throughout all this, which is hardly surprising, considering they were just on the brink of death.



A New Start Calls For A New Name

The dogs are all smiles and tail wags, grateful to have been saved by such a kind soul. Brody holds them close as they make the journey back to their car to head to the nearest animal shelter. The two pups have no collars and no tags, so Katie and Brady decide to take the liberty of naming the dogs they saved. They decide on Marinara and Parmesan. It’s likely Spaghetti approved of these names.

Saved At Last

Saved At Last

Time To Find Their Forever Home

Brody and Katie bring the saved dogs to the nearest animal shelter, and the staff there are astounded by their bizarre tale. They take the dogs in and immediately get to work, giving them the best treatment possible. They get nourished, bathed, and up to date on all their shots. Like the other dogs in this article, these two pups were rescued from death by a kind soul who knew animals deserve to be treated with respect just like humans do.

At The Shelter

At The Shelter