Man Builds Abandoned Puppies Beautiful Homes

Published on October 24, 2019

Look At That Face

Just look at those furry puppies all curled up next to each other. They appear to be only a few weeks old. Some people may be questioning how someone could possibly abandon these adorable furry babies. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, dogs aren’t viewed as animals that should live in the comfort of your home. For many, dogs aren’t pets but dangerous nuisances that roam the street. This, combined with the lack of neutering facilities, creates an overwhelming dog population.

Puppies In A Basket

Puppies In A Basket

Building A Contraption

In this photo, we can see he has laid down a base of some sort with a small supporting wall. On top of this base, the man is currently building what looks like a frame for a dog house. He is either using twine, or perhaps even some pliable vines, to tie the structure together. He is using a soft, bendable wood and shaping it to be the roof. Although it certainly looks like the skeleton of a house, this structure surely can’t be sturdy enough to be a home.

Building a Frame

Building a Frame