Follow These Steps Quickly If You See This Bug

Published on March 8, 2023

Most homeowners see a few strange bugs on the property here and there. If you dislike insects, you might get freaked out a little. Otherwise, you brush it away and go on with life.

However, a particular brown bug is something of a concern. Experts warn that you should watch for it carefully. You often see it in flowerbeds, cracks within the house, or in the grass. While it seems harmless enough, it’s very destructive, so you must be prepared.

If you see this bug, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. Let’s learn what it looks like and what it does!

Tiny Brown Bug

Sometimes, insects aren’t easy to see, especially if they’re in a wooded or flowery area. They often blend into the scenery, especially if they’re small and brown. However, that’s what you must be on the lookout for!

Tiny Brown Bug

Tiny Brown Bug

Shield-like Body

Experts warn homeowners to watch things while outside because there could be a small brown bug in their yards. It’s got six legs and an oddly shaped body. This medieval shield is the most prominent thing about it because the pest is only 0.7 inches long as an adult!

Shield-like Body

Shield-like Body