Incredible Garden Tips That Actually Work

Published on July 20, 2021
Gardening is a tedious process that takes time and effort in order to perfect. If you’re new to the world of gardening or trying to get into this hobby, you’re likely finding the beginning stages quite repetitive and boring. Moreover, you might find that all your hard work isn’t materializing in your garden. If this is the case, we have some of the best gardening tips to help make your thumb a little greener. Additionally, these tips can be used by even more experienced gardens. Read through our list of tips now – you never know what you could learn.

Start Rose Cuttings in a Potato

You should first begin this process by drilling a hole in the potato with a considerably-sized nail. After this, you should cut one inch off of the plant’s stem you want to grow. Place this stem in the hole and plant your potato.

Start Rose Cuttings In A Potato

Start Rose Cuttings In A Potato

Use Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent deterrent if your garden is vulnerable to ants. This doesn’t affect the plants in your garden and is cost-effective. It’s also the perfect rooting agent and can be applied to the stem once you plant your cutting.

Use Cinnamon

Use Cinnamon


Epsom Salt

Fertilizer is a crucial part of the garden process that keeps your plants healthy, but this product is generally expensive. Luckily, Epsom salt can act as an exceptional fertilizer for your plants, as it contains magnesium and is easy to use.

Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt


Using Newspaper

Weedkillers can help you remove any weeds in your garden once these pesky plants pop up from the ground. However, using newspapers can stop these weeds from ever appearing. To do this, layer your soil with a few sheets of newspaper.

Using Newspaper

Using Newspaper


Liquid Soap

It’s no secret that one of the biggest issues in any garden is the appearance of weeds. These plants are often a massive task to pull out, so prevention is the best approach. That’s why mixing liquid soap with water is excellent in preventing weed growth.

Liquid Soap

Liquid Soap


Killing Slugs

Hungry slugs can make their way through your plants and kill this greenery in the process. However, you can easily take care of your slug problem with a little beer. Place some beer in a dish in your garden, as this attracts and kills these creatures instantly.

Killing Slugs

Killing Slugs


Double Your Pots

Caring for your plants is a priority, but once this greenery matures, it can ruin your garden’s aesthetic appeal. To fix this, you can place your plants in two pots that are buried at ground level. As these plants grow, you can lift the top pot to rearrange your garden.

Double Your Pots

Double Your Pots


Citrus Peel Pots

You might have new seeds to plant without any pots. If you eat citrus fruits, you should keep the peel because these can be incredibly useful. Such citrus peels are the perfect size for your new seedlings.

Citrus Peel Pots

Citrus Peel Pots


Pennies for Fighting Blight

Your numerous plants can become infected with blight in your garden, which is a series of cryptogamic diseases. This isn’t good for your crop. Luckily, you can prune and tie up your plants, cut the stem, and insert a penny in the slot.

Pennies For Fighting Blight

Pennies For Fighting Blight


Muffin Tins

The spacing of your pants is crucial when constructing your garden. You want to ensure your spacing offers an aesthetically pleasing appearance while also giving your plants enough room to grow, which is why muffin tins are excellent to map out this area.

Muffin Tins

Muffin Tins


Raised Garden Bed

Raised garden beds allow you to separate your plants from the rest of your garden while also adding a little something extra. Using a few cinderblocks can help you achieve this look when arranged in a rectangle.

Raised Garden Bed

Raised Garden Bed


Pot Markers

After your seeds are planted, you can lose track of what plants are where. Wine corks can be the most effective pot marker when speared through kebab skewers. Write the type of plant it is on the cork and use it to mark your plants.

Pot Markers

Pot Markers


Spray Collar

Weed spray serves as one of the easiest ways to remove any unwanted plants popping up in your garden. However, this spray comes with its own challenges. Using an old can or plastic bucket can act as a spray collar, preventing this spray from destroying your garden.

Spray Collar

Spray Collar


Fly Tape

Insects and mosquitoes inevitably cross your path while you’re gardening. Many of these pesky creatures bother you, which can make your time spent gardening rather unpleasant. Attaching fly tape to your gardening hat can stop this from occurring.

Fly Tape

Fly Tape


Repurposing Your Toilet Paper Rolls

Toilet paper rolls can be used when planting your seeds. Take a waterproof container and fill it with empty toilet paper tubes. Take each tube and fill it with potting soil and then plant these seeds in this soil. You can easily plant these seedlings in your garden with cardboard.

Repurposing Your Toilet Paper Rolls

Repurposing Your Toilet Paper Rolls


Converting Coffee Filters

You want water to ooze from the bottom of your pot when you’re planting potted plants. However, you don’t want the soil to flow out with this water. That’s why using coffee filters at the bottom of these pots is so beneficial, as it keeps the soil inside.

Converting Coffee Filters

Converting Coffee Filters


Scattering Soap

In some instances, hungry deer or rabbits might think your garden is their personal kitchen. However, shredding and scattering soap can help keep hungry animals away from your plants. You should replenish this soap shredding once it’s washed away.

Scattering Soap

Scattering Soap


Banana Peels

Banana peels can be very useful in your garden, as these peels contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These are all excellent minerals for your garden, which is why you should cut these peels and clean the pieces in water before pouring the mixture over your garden.

Banana Peels

Banana Peels


Kelp Tea

Kelp contains micronutrients and vitamins that offer many benefits for your garden. Add kelp to water and let it sit for three days while stirring daily. After this, you should place this mixture in spray bottles and dose your plants with it.

Kelp Tea

Kelp Tea


Sliced Tomato

Interested in growing tomato plants? You can easily grow them by taking a tomato and cutting it into thin slices. Place these tomato slices in water and soil. From here, it can take around one to two weeks for these seedlings to grow.

Sliced Tomato

Sliced Tomato


Using Plastic Containers

Plastic clamshell containers are excellent when growing seedlings. You should wash your container completely, and then fill it with soil. After this, place your seeds with enough space for each to grow comfortably.

Using Plastic Containers

Using Plastic Containers


Wet Soil

Dry ground is inflexible and unforgiving, which can make it challenging to pull these pesky weeds out from the ground. That’s why it’s best to weed when your soil is wet. Wait for a rainy day or use a garden hose.

Wet Soil

Wet Soil


Brewing Fertilizer Tea

We’ve already established that weeds are annoying. Getting rid of your weeds also means removing the nutrients this plant has absorbed from the soil. That’s why you should brew these weed plants in water and use the mixture to water your plants.

Brewing Fertilizer Tea

Brewing Fertilizer Tea


Changing Your Tools

Gardening can take a toll on your body if you’re spending a considerable amount of time hunching over the ground digging holes. Updating your tools and ensuring you’re using the right equipment can make the process easier.

Changing Your Tools

Changing Your Tools


Plant Soda Cans

Fill the bottom of used soda cans before planting your shrub if you have a deep planter. These cans can create little air pockets that aerate your soil, which leads to a healthier ground for your plants.

Plant Soda Cans

Plant Soda Cans


Plant Removal

You might want to remove your plants from one part of your garden and relocate this greenery. However, you risk tearing these roots and damaging your shrub. To avoid this, cut down the pot’s sides with a sharp knife.

Plant Removal

Plant Removal


Make Edging Easier

Where you want your garden’s end to be, place a 2×6-inch board. Ensure this board is lying flat and place your foot on its top to ensure it doesn’t move. Take a spade and dig into the ground right at the board’s edge for easy edging.

Make Edging Easier

Make Edging Easier


Using Old Sponges

Like too little water, too much water can be damaging for your greenery. Your roots could rot when water settles at the pot’s bottom, which can cause your plants to die. Sponges can be used to maintain this amount of water.

Using Old Sponges

Using Old Sponges


Tiny Greenhouse

You might be having issues starting your cuttings or seeds in your garden. If this is the case, a tiny greenhouse can be used. Start by using an empty bottle of soda without any labels. Remove the bottom and use the remaining over the top of your pot plants.

Tiny Greenhouse

Tiny Greenhouse


Using PVC Pipes

A PVC pipe can help your fertilizer reach the bottom of close-packed shrubs. To do this, cut a 45-degree angle at the PVC pipe’s top to form a large opening. Then, place the plant’s base where you want the fertilizer and pour it down the PVC pipe.

Using PVC Pipe

Using PVC Pipes


Using Cardboard

You’re ready to lay your mulch down after preparing your garden. However, you can keep your garden free from weeds when placing pieces of cardboard on the ground. From here, lay ythe mulch on top of this cardboard.

Using Cardboard

Using Cardboard


Watering Holes

Some animals and insects aren’t wanted in your garden, but others are incredibly beneficial. Bees don’t pose a threat to your greenery. In fact, their pollination techniques are vital. Using a small dish with some water can encourage these insects to visit your garden.

Watering Holes

Watering Holes


Watering Cans

Watering cans are critical to have in your garden, but that doesn’t mean these need to be expensive. You can make your own with an empty gallon jug. After you’ve finished this jug, you can rinse it and fill it with water for your garden.

Watering Cans

Watering Cans


Improving Your Garden Soil

A flourishing garden begins with good quality soil. You can use kitchen leftovers to enrich your soil, which is cheap and, in some cases, a better choice than the more expensive options on the market. Eggshells, coffee grounds, and banana peels are great additions.

Improving Your Garden Soil

Improving Your Garden Soil


Plastic Forks

Animals without any interest in eating your plants can travel through your garden and wreck your hard work. That’s why plastic forks are a great option in your soil. These forks can leave little room for these creatures to walk.

Plastic Forks

Plastic Forks


Homemade Insect Spray

Insect spray can help any pesky creatures from feeding on your plants. Combining a healthy amount of mint and garlic with water can be an organic and cost-effective spray to keep these insects away without harming your greenery.

Homemade Insect Spray

Homemade Insect Spray


Using a Shoe Organizer

Saving space in your garden can be easily done when using a shoe organizer. You can stick a few holes in the bottom of these pockets for water drainage and fill each compartment with soil, creating a unique and creative way to store all of your plants.

Using A Shoe Organizer

Using A Shoe Organizer


Reusing Cooking Water

After you’ve cooked pasta, vegetables, or other food products in water, you likely throw this water away. However, you should reuse this mixture instead. This cooled water has nutrients that can help your plants flourish. So next time, before you toss out this water, add it to your plants instead.

Reusing Cooking Water

Reusing Cooking Water


Taking Care of Your Tools

You need to take care of your tools to maintain of your garden. This can be done with the help of mineral oil and clean sand. A bucket of sand can keep your tools upright and ready for the next use. After using the tool, spray it with mineral oil and place it back.

Taking Care Of Your Tools

Taking Care Of Your Tools


A Healthy Garden

Cornstarch is easily accessible and something that you should use in your garden. You can sprinkle this cornstarch on your plants’ leaves to keep worms away. Additionally, cornstarch can be used to make greenery grow faster.

A Healthy Garden

A Healthy Garden