The Most Controversial Films That Have Ever Been Released

Published on February 7, 2023

When it comes to movies, everyone seems to have their own opinion on what constitutes a great film and a total blockbuster flop. However, sometimes there are films that are so controversial that they become known for the controversy, which often eclipses the story itself. Other times, the people associated with the film become embroiled in controversy, which can also overshadow the film as well. Here are some of the most hotly debate films ever released.

The Human Centipede

We will not be describing the details of this film, and if you want to keep your lunch down, you’ll trust us not to look it up. If you do, be warned, it is truly gruesome. This one is brutal even for the most avid horror fans.

The Human Centipede

The Human Centipede

Rain Man

Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman star in this 1988 classic, in which Hoffman portrayed a man on the autism spectrum. Back then, he was celebrated for his performance, but as of late, the film’s portrayal has been more heavily scrutinized and some have even said the film mischaracterized autism altogether.

Rain Man

Rain Man