Get Ready For A Huge Payday If You Find One Of These Common Items In Your Home

Published on January 11, 2022

We all have stashes of old games, gadgets, and other odds and ends that we keep around the house, seemingly for no reason. Many of us keep these things as mementos or are motivated by the thought of “maybe I’ll need this one day.” Well, if you are holding on to one of these items, you could have have a pot of gold on your hands! Here are some old items that may be worth a lot of money today, so start looking around for these now!

Game Boy

First released in 1989, the Game Boy became a sensation with children around the globe begging their parents to buy these hand-held video games for them. No longer available in stores, Game Boys go for anywhere from $750 to $2000! One unopened Game Body sold on eBay for $4000.

Game Boy

Game Boy

Antique Cookie Jar

This might seem surprising, but antique cookie jars could earn you some serious dough, no pun intended. PBS’s Antiques Roadshow evaluator Reyne Hirsch can vouch for that. According to her, a vintage cookie jar in the shape of a famous cartoon character could earn you thousands of dollars. In August 2019, a Little Audrey jar was purchased on eBay for $3400…not too shabby!

Antique Cookie Jar

Antique Cookie Jar