Incredible Photographs Captured By Real Trail Cams

Published on November 3, 2020
Trail cams are incredibly popular in the world of nature and hunting. These trail cams provide effective technology that provides us with the ability to track any animal’s activity. A trail cam is equipped with the ability to detect movement in the nearby area. This is what provides the technology with the ability to track the animals. It’s a really cool way of seeing what goes on at night or just what animals get up to when humans aren’t around. There isn’t anything really exciting most of the time. However, sometimes truly epic content is captured that shows the wonders of nature.


This deer was caught with a barrel on its head. The barrel seems to be placed in between its antlers. However, it’s unclear whether the deer went to war against the barrel or if it’s filled with yummy treats that the animal is bringing home.



Antler Trap

Being a young buck comes with its challenges. Sometimes items get trapped in their antlers, and they are unable to remove it. This particular buck was captured with tumbleweed stuck on its antlers. Let’s hope that this deer found a mate to help it out.

Anther Trap

Antler Trap


A Sprinting Bear

This would definitely be a terrifying sight to see a bear charging at you. Luckily, this was caught on a trail camera. We wonder what this bear was chasing, but, incredibly, such a photo was captured for the world to see.

A Sprinting Bear

A Sprinting Bear


Counting Deer

Although deer aren’t particularly known to be scary, this photo can definitely be deemed as frightening. This picture has so many deer, all grouped together makes it look pretty frightening. Moreover, it seems like they are all staring straight into the camera.

Counting Deer

Counting Deer


A Hungry Otter

One incredible feature of trail cams is that you gain the ability to see animals in their natural environment. This photo is a perfect example of that. Here is an otter satisfying his hunger. The trail cam captured the otter with a fish in its mouth, which is quite extraordinary.

A Hungry Otter

A Hungry Otter


A Striking Owl

Owls are a very rare sighting, which makes this picture all the more spectacular. The trail cam has perfectly captured an owl about to strike a deer. We doubt that the owl is trying to pluck the whole deer. The deer was possibly in the way of the owl’s real target.

A Striking Owl

A Striking Owl


Fighting Eagles

It’s already very special to photograph an eagle. However, capturing two bald eagles fighting is something completely mind-blowing. Incredibly, technology has provided us with the opportunity to capture such rare and unbelievable moments.

Fighting Eagles

Fighting Eagles


A Flying Squirrel

This trail cam photographed a squirrel as it was flying over a deer. It isn’t clear whether the deer was the target of a flying squirrel attack or if the squirrel was simply flying over the animal. However, one thing that’s for sure is that this trail cam caught the perfect shot.

A Flying Squirrel

A Flying Squirrel


Animals Selfie

Unlike the other photos on this list, this photo is more hilarious than it is incredibly mind-blowing. It seems that this raccoon was trying to take a selfie, and two bucks got in the frame and photobombed the picture.

Animals Selfie

Animals Selfie


Fox and Raccoon

It appears that this trail cam caught a fox and raccoon as they were about to battle. We only hope that the raccoon could fight against the fox because the other alternative would be to use the taxi behind the animal to flee the scene. Unfortunately, it looks as though this car has been out of service for quite a while.

Fox And Raccoon

Fox And Raccoon


Partying Raccoons

These raccoons seem to be eating something they shouldn’t be and enjoying it thoroughly. The two raccoons are tucking into the food while the others are sleeping, possibly with a full tummy. It looks like these raccoons have a night long of celebrations ahead.

Partying Raccoons

Partying Raccoons


Hungry Fox Kits

This is one incredible sighting of adorable fox kits feeding on their mommy fox. It’s undeniable that foxes of all ages are incredibly cute. However, these babies have a cuteness that’s too much to handle. Moreover, the mom’s smiling face is also incredibly heart-warming.

Hungry Fox Kits

Hungry Fox Kits


Buffalo Transportation

Buffaloes have the reputation of being the Uber of the animal kingdom, and many animals use this creature for transportation. This picture captured by a trail cam is a perfect example of this. You can see a cat catching a lift on the back of the buffalo’s back.

Buffalo Transportation

Buffalo Transportation


The Battle of a Coyote and Two Deer

This is a spectacular photo of what looks to be a coyote trying to fight against two deer. More incredible is that the deer don’t seem to be alarmed by the gnarl plastered across the coyote’s face. We can only think about what transpired next.

The Battle Of A Coyote And Two Deer

The Battle Of A Coyote And Two Deer


Broken Camera

It seems that trail cameras don’t go unnoticed by animals, and they don’t like the invasion of privacy. This trail cam has a hole in the center that was perhaps put there by an angry woodpecker. The animal’s goal was achieved because this was the last photo taken by the trail cam.

Broken Camera

Broken Camera


A Muddy Tiger

This trail cam caught a tiger that was drowsed in mud. This isn’t a peculiar activity for most animals to partake in, as it helps to cool the animal down from the boiling sun. We hope that the mud cooled this tiger off.

A Muddy Tiger

A Muddy Tiger


Another Mode of Transport

It seems that buffaloes aren’t the only animals that are used to transport other animals. This raccoon was very happy to catch a ride on a feral hog’s back. The large swine doesn’t seem to mind the raccoon piggybacking.

Another Mode Of Transport

Another Mode Of Transport


Midnight Feasts

This trail cam looks to have captured a big family of deer celebrating a very special occasion. The family seems to be having a feast in the middle of the forest. Each one of the deer looks to be enjoying their celebratory meal.

Midnight Feasts

Midnight Feasts


Escape Artists

This raccoon seems to escape the jaws of the coyote effortlessly. In this sneaky escape, it looks like this very hungry coyote isn’t going to be making the raccoon a meal today. We can be grateful that this fast-thinking raccoon gets to live another day.

Escape Artists

Escape Artists


The Battle Grounds

The automatic feeds are undoubtedly the battlegrounds where animals fight it out for some food. This trail cam caught a deer and a raccoon battling it out underneath the automatic feeder. The photo is an incredible sight.

The Battle Grounds

The Battle Grounds


A Creepy Clown Sighting

We aren’t quite sure how this creepy clown ended up in the forest and captured by a trail cam. What makes this picture even more frightening is that the clown is staring straight at the trail cam. All we know is that we hope we never see this in real life.

A Creepy Clown Sighting

A Creepy Clown Sighting


A Poor Bunny Rabbit

This trail cam has caught a poor, innocent bunny rabbit just as it’s about to be attacked by a hungry mountain lion. What’s even worse is that the bunny is unaware of what is about to transpire. It’s the sad circle of life.

A Poor Bunny Rabbit

A Poor Bunny Rabbit


Loving Time

Did we just capture an intimate moment between two deer? We can only hope that they were just cleaning themselves. Either way, this is an incredibly cute photo that’s been captured between the two deer.

Loving Time

Loving Time


Another Bird Battle

These incredibly massive birds of prey are fighting over what seems to be a sweet tree limb. It’s clear that this is a delicacy within the woods and something these animals are willing to fight over. It’s a truly magnificent sight.

Another Bird Battle

Another Bird Battle


A Munching Boar

This poor raccoon doesn’t seem to stand a chance against this munching boar. It’s widely known that boars are aggressive when in the presence of humans. That’s why it’s no surprise that this boar is aggressively munching the raccoon.

A Munching Boar

A Munching Boar


A Standing Wolverine

From the image captured by a trail cam, this animal could be a wolverine. However, it’s hard to tell from its position on its back legs. A wolverine is an incredibly muscular carnivore that resembles a small bear.

A Standing Wolverine

A Standing Wolverine


Munching on Santa

It’s clear that this bear is getting coal for Christmas this year. The trail cam caught this bear being very naughty and destroying Santa’s hat. With such nasty behavior, this bear is definitely being put on Santa’s naughty list.

Munching On Santa

Munching On Santa


Scary Moose

A trail cam caught an incredibly frightening glimpse of this moose as it was passing by. The moose looks possessed. Is a devil moose a thing? We would recommend watching out just in case. You don’t want to mess with a moose, whether it’s possessed or not.

Scary Moose

Scary Moose


Making It Rain

This raccoon is one great friend. The raccoon has somehow gotten on top of the bird feeder and is spreading the seeds in the bird feeder. All of the friends are waiting at the bottom and feasting on the bird seeds.

Making It Rain

Making It Rain


A Crazy Deer

A trail cam was fortunate enough to capture this incredibly hilarious shot. The deer seems to be falling at a very funny angle. The friends don’t appear to understand what the deer is doing. It’s definitely a crazy capture.

A Crazy Deer

A Crazy Deer


The Haunting of a Flying Squirrel

This flying squirrel seems to be coming straight for the deer. The trail cam has caught the perfect moment as the deer tries to flee. We think that the flying squirrel is trying to protect its precious apples that the deer was eating.

The Haunting Of A Flying Squirrel

The Haunting Of A Flying Squirrel


A Cat’s Close-Up

The cat is incredibly close to the trail cam, and it looks as though the animal is getting its close-up. However, having a closer look at the photo, you can see that the cat is on a mission and not a friendly one. This is one cat you don’t want to meet in the middle of the night.

A Cat’s Close Up

A Cat’s Close Up


The Battle of the Porcupines

Trail cams are famous for capturing animals fighting. It seems that humans aren’t the only ones that clash with one another. Animals are just the same, and these porcupines are going head-to-head. It’s unclear who’s taking home the gold medal, but we’re sure it was a tough fight.

The Battle Of The Porcupines

The Battle Of The Porcupines


Making Babies

These deer seem to be having quite an eventful night together. The couple has chosen a pretty secluded area to do the deed, but we doubt they knew their activities were being captured. We’re sure to see little fawns running around soon.

Making Babies

Making Babies


A Taste of the Camera

This trail cam has captured an incredibly adorable deer. This deer has spotted the trail cam and is obviously very curious as to how this contraption tastes. You can see the deer licking the camera to cure its curiosity.

A Taste Of The Camera

A Taste Of The Camera


More Fighting

There is so much fighting caught on camera in the animal world. We can only imagine the fights that go undocumented. It’s clear that these animals need some anger management classes. We would recommend a calm and collected owl to conduct these classes.

More Fighting

More Fighting


Bites and Fights

A trail cam caught this extraordinary moment of a buck fighting against some kind of hunting cat or dog. The buck has already gone through a terrible attack as visible bites can be seen on the animal’s back legs.

Bites And Fights

Bites And Fights


A Girl Surrounded by Deer

This is a super bizarre picture. We can’t even come up with a plausible reason why a girl is in the middle of the woods in the dead of night and surrounded by two scary deer. We really don’t know what’s going on here.

A Girl Surrounded By Deer

A Girl Surrounded By Deer


A Strutting Deer

A deer is tall enough while being on all fours. However, these animals are incredibly tall when standing on two legs. This particular deer looks ready to strut down a runway fashion show. We’re sure that Tyra would approve of this aspiring model.

A Strutting Deer

A Strutting Deer


Deer Selfies

It’s not just humans who like to take goofy selfies with their tongues out. It seems that deer also enjoy taking such pictures or at least this one does. This is another classic example of the funny and interesting content that trail cams gather.

Deer Selfies

Deer Selfies


Howling Coyotes

This trail cam must be placed right next to an excellent view of the moon because then this image would be easy to explain. The photo showcases three coyotes howling at the moon. You can practically hear this picture.

Howling Coyotes

Howling Coyotes


King Cat

Often, it’s clear during animal showdown who the predator is and who the prey is. In this case, it’s unclear, since there are two deer, but this cat certainly looks confident. We’ll never know how this stare down ended, but hopefully nobody got hurt.

King Cat

King Cat


Giving Him A Lift

Although many animals are born with the ability to walk right away, that doesn’t mean they don’t need help from their parents. Here we see a heartwarming parenting moment when this mama bear lifts her cub to help him grab some food. Adorable!

Giving Him A Lift

Giving Him A Lift


Well Hello There

How often do you get to stare a wolf right in the face? This guy found the camera and seems very interested in figuring out just exactly what he’s looking at. It must be so different from anything these wolves know, which is why they look so intrigued.

Well Hello There

Well Hello There


Caught Red Handed

There’s nothing quite like freshly caught fish, just ask this bear. Bears are extremely good at fishing, as it is their main way of collecting food. This guy is looking quite pleased with his catch of the day.

Caught Red Handed

Caught Red Handed


Stacks of Deer

Although it’s not really clear what is going on here, we can assume that perhaps this was an extra cold evening, and the deer were gathered together in order to try to keep warm. Otherwise, there might be some other deer being born soon.

Stacks Of Deer

Stacks Of Deer


Cat vs. Coyote

This incredible shot captures a moment of a battle between a cat and a coyote. Although you might assume the coyote is the obvious victor in this situation, you can clearly see that the cat is not backing down.

Cat Vs. Coyote

Cat Vs. Coyote


Party With The Deer

We’re not sure how this guy ended up here, but what is clear is that he has clearly had a lot to drink. Whether he is happy to see the deer or he has no idea that it’s right next to him, we’ll never know. We just hope he had a good time and found his way back home.

Party With The Deer

Party With The Deer


Dog & Buck

It’s not every day that a dog and a buck will meet, especially when it comes to domesticated dogs. That’s why these two were so interested in seeing one another. Hopefully they managed to stay friendly towards one another.

Dog & Buck

Dog & Buck


Snack Time

This adorable little otter is caught in between enjoying his snack time and trying to figure out just what the heck he’s looking at. Just imagine how excited the person who set up this camera was once they got a look at this image that was captured.

Snack Time

Snack Time


Enjoying The Fireworks

There’s nothing like enjoying a night sky filled with fireworks during a special occasion. We rarely stop to think about how the nearby animals are reacting, but this deer seems to be enjoying the show just fine.

Enjoying The Fireworks

Enjoying The Fireworks


The Chase

Many predators only come out at night, making it more difficult for their prey to get away. Here is an incredible still from a mountain lion chasing a deer. We wonder if the deer managed to get away or was trapped?

The Chase

The Chase


Observing The Hunt

Here we have an interesting and unique situation. We see a hawk that’s captured its prey, but there’s also a deer watching the situation unfold in the background. Maybe he’s hoping to get some leftover scraps from the situation.

Observing The Hunt

Observing The Hunt


Got Him

It’s fascinating to see how predatory animals chase and eventually catch their prey. Although it is sad to think about the caught fawn, this is the natural circle of life, as this coyote is worrying about his own survival as well as feeding his family.

Got Him

Got Him


Glowing Eyes

There’s a reason we have the expression “like a deer caught in headlights.” Even though it looks as though this guy is possessed, he is just standing at the right angle for his eyes to catch the light. Deer prefer feeding at night in order to avoid predators.

Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes


Close Up

This guy was absolutely not ready for his up close beauty shots! He looks like he’s completely caught off guard, and frankly this photo is absolutely hilarious. We wonder what scared this little guy so much.

Close Up

Close Up


Bear Business

It was a funny coincidence for this bear to choose this exact location in order to pop a squat. He even looks surprised and a little embarrassed, even though he obviously has no idea that this moment was captured on camera. Or maybe he was afraid of the flash.

Bear Business

Bear Business


Anteater Up Close

Anteaters are truly fascinating creatures. This guy looks a little intimidating due to the fact that his eyes, caught in the flash, look like they’re glowing yellow. However, we’re sure he’s just minding his business.

Anteater Up Close

Anteater Up Close


Caught In The Antlers

Although it looks like this buck is feuding with a pig, it’s clear that he has not yet realized that it’s actually made of plastic. Not only that, the plastic pig is also stuck in his antlers. What a big mess.

Caught In The Antlers

Caught In The Antlers


Polka Dot Moose

You might be a little confused about what this animal exactly is. Is it a horse or a cow? Neither! It’s actually a polka dotted moose. What a beautiful coat! Did you know the moose have a vegetarian diet?

Polka Dot Moose

Polka Dot Moose