A Strange Bird Leaves a Woman Scared and Confused

Published on March 26, 2023
Carmen had gotten deep into the forest, and she suddenly heard an odd noise. She had never experienced something like that before, which caused her curiosity to soar. Overall, she decided to follow the sound to see where it came from. This caused her to notice a strange bird in a tree, but she had no idea what it was initially.

As she got closer to the bird, the noise started to hurt her ears. After a few moments, Carmen realized she wasn’t welcome in the area. Still, she ignored the pain to find out what the creature was. It was so intense that she nearly collapsed! What was all that about?

Pain In the Ear

Carmen screamed in pain because of the high-pitched sounds coming from the bird, and her ears burned. Clearly, the creature didn’t want her to come closer, but she wished to know what it was. However, the pain became unbearable.

Pain in the Ear

Pain in the Ear


Everything in her world went dark. This was her body’s way of saying she couldn’t take the pain, but it was too late; she’d fainted. Now, she wasn’t even conscious enough to understand what was happening. What could this be?




Rude Awakening

After some time, Carmen awoke. She was shocked to hear silence in the forest, but she had a massive headache. How long had the poor woman been unconscious? Carmen could not stand because there was no strength left in her body.

Rude Awakening

Rude Awakening


Crawling to Safety

Immediately, Carmen started crawling to what she felt was safety, and the high-pitched sound began again as she did. This caused her to cry out in pain. Finally, it dawned on her that evening was approaching, and she’d been out there since morning!

Crawling to Safety

Crawling to Safety


Get Help

As she crawled away, she snatched up her camera to see the bird. However, it had been broken. She knew she required help, but where should she go? Before doing much else, she marked that spot and then left to get assistance.

Get Help

Get Help


Getting Dark

Carmen had been unconscious for a while, and the afternoon was gone. Now, it was getting dark enough that she couldn’t see much. This wasn’t a safe situation, and she had to leave and get help soon.

Getting Dark

Getting Dark


Heading Home

She chose to go home, and she had to use the flashlight on her smartphone because of the darkness. Luckily, she spotted her vehicle parked where she’d left it, so she could leave. Still, that bird made her question things.

Heading Home

Heading Home


Sleepless Night

Carmen couldn’t sleep well that night, tossing and turning. She simply couldn’t forget the bird and the events that had occurred. This led the way to many questions, such as what had happened and how her camera had been broken.

Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night


Needs Answers

Overall, Carmen had way too many questions and few answers. What had happened with the bird? Why did the woman faint? Had she imagined it all, or had something bad occurred? She felt that she must learn the truth.

Needs Answers

Needs Answers


Convincing Amy

She asked a friend for advice, telling Amy about the events of the previous day. Amy’s face went white with shock. Though scared to go back, Carmen convinced her it had to happen. Still, Amy thought it was wise to tell others about the occurrence.

Convincing Amy

Convincing Amy


Asking the Locals

Amy and Carmen headed to town to talk to the older folks who had been there for a long time. Carmen felt that someone should know about the bird, but an old woman just walked away with a look of disdain on her face.

Asking the Locals

Asking the Locals


Scared to Talk

Everyone appeared to be scared of the bird and wouldn’t discuss it. The women wouldn’t let it slide because they had to understand what was going on. It had to be a coincidence, but Amy wanted to leave it all alone. Carmen had to figure it out!

Scared to Talk

Scared to Talk


Strange Feeling

Carmen had strange feelings about the locals and felt like a victim. They all wanted her to ignore the bird and the situation. However, she simply couldn’t! Amy was scared, but she stuck with her friend to ensure that she was safe.

Strange Feeling

Strange Feeling


Internal Struggle

Amy truly struggled with the choice of going with Carmen or staying behind. Luckily, her friend agreed to take and wear earplugs for the return trip. That might reduce the noises the creature made, preventing them from fainting.

Internal Struggle

Internal Struggle


Going Back

Carmen memorized the way to the bird, and they noticed there was no wildlife. It was quiet in the forest, and Amy felt they shouldn’t be there. However, they couldn’t see any trespassing signs. They checked their smartphones but got no signal, either.

Going Back

Going Back


Almost There

After a short period, Carmen checked her phone and received a weak signal for the GPS tracker. This indicated that they were close to the creature. Though on the right path, she worried about what they’d uncover.

Almost There

Almost There


Keep Out

Carmen approached the area where she’d seen the bird carefully. Still, her foot caught on something, which caused her to fall. Amy rushed to help her, and they looked up, seeing the creature that had made the awful noises.

Keep Out

Keep Out


Almost Fainting

Their ears immediately exploded with the pain, and Amy had actually never felt something like that, fainting from the noise. She screamed for Carmen to move away, but her friend wanted to get close and uncover the mystery.

Almost Fainting

Almost Fainting


Amy Runs

When Amy got the chance, she crawled away from that horrible nest, running away the moment she found her feet. However, that left Carmen alone. Once she couldn’t hear the noise, she turned to see something shocking.

Amy Runs

Amy Runs


Get the Ranger

Carmen was wearing the earplugs, but they didn’t help much. Amy knew she had to get a ranger to help them. There was a station they’d passed a while ago, so she ran until she couldn’t anymore. Then, he didn’t believe her story!

Get the Ranger

Get the Ranger



Mark was the ranger on duty that day, and he initially didn’t want to help Amy. He believed she had made up the story, but she insisted that she needed assistance. Finally, he went with her to calm her down. Was he hiding something bad?




Heading to the Bird

While going back the way Amy had come, Mark was exceptionally quiet. She hadn’t told him where her friend was, but he seemed to instinctively know what path to take. In fact, he walked in a straight line to the area.

Heading to the Bird

Heading to the Bird


No Carmen

Amy and Mark reached the area where the bird was perched, but there was no sign of Carmen! This shocked Amy because she’d just been there! Had her friend gotten away? Overall, she was confused, and Mark was acting strange toward her.

No Carmen

No Carmen



Mark said no one was out there, and it was wise to leave the forest. In fact, Amy shouldn’t be there, and he had to go back to his ranger station. Amy waited, seeing the bird within the tree, though it made no sounds as she approached. What was happening?




Odd Feeling

Amy went closer to the bird, but this angered Mark. She finally asked him to call the cops, and then he warmed up to looking for Carmen. This made her feel odd, but she agreed. Luckily, she spotted something as she started digging for answers.

Odd Feeling

Odd Feeling


Trip Wire

Amy noticed wires all around the perimeter of the bird. They were right at shin height, which would cause people to fall down. That made her more uneasy, so she chose to follow them and determine where they ended.

Trip Wire

Trip Wire


Around the Bird

The tripwire she saw went around the tree where the bird was. Amy thought it was all very strange, but Mark seemed to navigate around it with ease. That caused her to feel suspicion, and then she saw something more!

Around the Bird

Around the Bird


The Camera

Amy saw a camera attached to the tree where the bird perched. This couldn’t be good, and she instantly felt unsafe. Plus, Mark had changed, and his attitude was off. He didn’t like the entire situation, which made it all worse somehow.

The Camera

The Camera


Feeling Unsafe

Mark wasn’t impressed about the camera when Amy brought it up. He said he knew it was there, and it wasn’t the only one in the forest. In fact, he made it seem like it was ordinary. However, Amy started to hear footsteps.

Feeling Unsafe

Feeling Unsafe


Keeping Her There

Amy heard a distant noise and realized that someone was approaching them. She walked toward that bird again, but Mark lunged at her, trying to prevent it. Now, she knew he couldn’t be trusted, so she kicked him and ran away.

Keeping Her There

Keeping Her There


Amy Ran

With no hesitation, Amy started running away. She knew she couldn’t get caught by anyone because no one would be out there searching for her or Carmen! However, someone was now shouting at her, which caused her to pause.

Amy Ran

Amy Ran


Dogs Barking

She heard some dogs barking and chose to continue running. Someone wanted to track her to ensure she didn’t get away. Instinctively, she knew someone was getting close and heard louder barking. Was she being hunted?

Dogs Barking

Dogs Barking



Suddenly, she tripped and crashed to the ground. The branch hurt her badly, so she couldn’t run. Though scared, she would at least learn who was tracking her and trying to scare her. It was a huge gamble, but she had to take it!




Catching Up

Amy saw that two German Shepherds were coming closer, and she desperately wanted to know why they had followed her. In fact, she had many questions and felt this was a life-threatening situation. Those dogs seemed angry!

Catching Up

Catching Up


Pinned Down

The dogs came up to Amy, pinning her in place so that she couldn’t leave. However, a man then approached, calling them off. Mark was there, and they were both sweaty from the chase. The new man introduced himself as Alex, and he didn’t seem like a bad person.

Pinned Down

Pinned Down


Follow Us

These two men told Amy to follow them and be quiet, and she could do nothing else but obey. She felt they’d have already killed her if that was their plan. Finally, they came to a military compound.

Follow Us

Follow Us


The Compound

Amy was truly baffled, finally realizing that Alex was wearing a military uniform. He must be part of the situation here, and she wondered if she had done anything illegal. Was all this connected to that bird? Hopefully, she’d get some answers soon.

The Compound

The Compound


Carmen’s Inside

When they went into that military compound, she noticed Carmen! A nurse was treating her wounds because she’d gotten hurt quite badly. Amy was happy to see her, rushing over to get a hug. Then, though, she demanded some answers!

Carmen's Inside

Carmen’s Inside


Security System

Alex explained everything. Amy and Carmen had breached this military compound and ignored the signs to go back. The bird was part of a security system, incapacitating enemies with its high-pitched sound.

Security System

Security System


They’re Released

Overall, Alex was very frustrated because the system was compromised. The women were treated for the injuries they’d sustained and told they could leave. However, they’d have to sign a contract not to speak about the incident.

They're Released

They’re Released