Man Rescues Strange Looking Creature From Under Bed, Has No Clue What It Is

Published on April 12, 2020
Animal lovers will always try to rescue an animal in distress if they can. This man was surprised to find a creature under a bed, but even more taken aback that he could not identify what it was. Without a second thought, he sought to discover what was going on and help the poor thing out…

A Favor For A Relative

Paul Russell’s elderly relative had moved out of his home and the family had asked him to check in on the house every so often to see that everything was ok. It was no inconvenience for Paul as he lived close by.

A Favor For A Relative

A Favor For A Relative

Checking In

Paul went over to the house expecting it to be a quick visit. But he had no idea what he would encounter as he walked into the house. The house was pretty dark inside as all the curtains were drawn closed.

Checking In

Checking In


An Unexpected Sight

As he walked into the bedroom he felt like he was seeing the scene from a horror movie. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He shone his flashlight to see clearer and then he saw it. A creature darted from under the bed and ran into the cellar.

An Unexpected Sight

An Unexpected Sight


A Difficult Decision

Paul’s distant relative was 82 years old and had fallen ill. The illness incapacitated him to such a degree that he had to be moved into a nursing home so he could be cared for appropriately. It was a difficult decision but a necessary one.

A Difficult Decision

A Difficult Decision


No Pets Allowed

The elderly relative had a 17-year-old-cat named Siam whom he loved very much, but unfortunately, the nursing home had a no-pets policy. That meant that he couldn’t take Siam with him, and that’s why Paul felt he had to step in and help.

No Pets Allowed

No Pets Allowed


One More Cat

Paul offered to take Siam in because he and his wife love animals, cats in particular, and have a few cats of their own. They felt that bringing one more cat home wouldn’t be such a burden. But was Siam the only animal left behind in that house?

One More Cat

One More Cat


Making The Trip

Paul was ready to walk into the house, find the cat, and leave. He walked into the house, went to switch the lights on, but when he flicked the switch on and off but there was no light. He needed to check the breaker in the cellar.

Making The Trip

Making The Trip


Needing Some Light

Before heading down to the cellar, he went to fetch a flashlight from his car. He walked back into the house and shone the light to see where he was going and almost dropped when he saw what was in the hallway.

Needing Some Light

Needing Some Light


In A Bad State

It wasn’t just what he saw that shook him, but the smell was something else. Everywhere he shone the light he could see trash from floor to ceiling. There were boxes, broken furniture, and dirty dishes everywhere. There were even strange markings on the walls.

In A Bad State

In A Bad State


Navigating The House

As Paul moved from room to room in the house, he had this eerie feeling that he just couldn’t shake. He felt like he was being watched, but by whom? He also couldn’t understand who or what had made the etchings on the walls…

Navigating The House

Navigating The House


What Had Happened Here?

He shone the light onto the walls so he could get a closer look to make out what those markings were. Then he realized they were scratches. Someone or something had gouged scratches into the wallpaper. What happened here? Could it have been the cat, Siam?

What Had Happened Here?

What Had Happened Here?


Calling Out

He walked down the hallway calling out to Siam in the hopes that he’d come out and they could finally leave this eerie place. His heart was in his throat as he had no idea what else he was going to find. He just wanted to get the cat and get out as fast as possible.

Calling Out

Calling Out


Something Lurking In The Dark

He brought cat food so when he saw Siam’s food bowl in the kitchen he filled it hoping he’d come out of hiding. But it didn’t work, Siam was nowhere to be found. That’s when he realized he’d never find him in this mess in the dark.

Something Lurking In The Dark

Something Lurking In The Dark


Fixing The Light Problem

Before even attempting to find this cat, Paul had to check the breaker. He needed light if he was ever going to find Siam, so he headed towards the cellar where the breaker was. Then he heard a noise that sent shivers down his spine.

Fixing The Light Problem

Fixing The Light Problem


Frozen With Fear

Paul heard a screeching echo throughout the house and then there was a loud thump. He was frozen with fear. The noise came from the bathroom down the hall. He made his way to the bathroom and with shaking hands yanked open the shower curtain.

Frozen With Fear

Frozen With Fear


Finally Found Him

A sense of relief came over Paul when he saw Siam sitting in the bathtub. Who knows how long he’d been there. Poor kitty, he looked scared and hungry. As Paul was thinking about what to do with Siam he heard another distressing noise coming from the bedroom.

Finally Found Him

Finally Found Him


Anybody There?

That’s when Paul realized they were not alone. He heard a growl coming from down the hall but had no idea who or what was making that sound as Siam was with him. Maybe it was a raccoon that was scavenging off the trash lying around.

Anybody There?

Anybody There?


What Is That?

He couldn’t just leave without seeing who or what was inside the house. So he made his way towards the noise and was shocked to see a huge creature dart out from under the bed and run down towards the cellar. Should he go after it or run?

What Is That?

What Is That?


Mustering The Courage

Paul’s wife Jill had been waiting for him in the car but he was taking so long that she decided to check on him. He told her what he’d seen and they decided to get a trap and try to catch the creature and get to the bottom of the mystery.

Mustering The Courage

Mustering The Courage


Glowing Eyes Staring Back

They got a trap and went back the following day ready to catch this creature. They went down to the cellar and there it was hiding in a corner. They managed to push into the trap but they couldn’t believe its huge glowing eyes.

Glowing Eyes Staring Back

Glowing Eyes Staring Back


A Visit To The Vet

The pair were shaken and decided to take the creature with the big eyes to the vet. They had no idea what animal it was. The vets had never seen this before but were able to identify what kind of animal it was.

A Visit To The Vet

A Visit To The Vet


Another Kitty Cat

The strange creature with the big, glowing eyes was, in fact, also a cat. But they couldn’t understand what had happened to it to cause its eyes to become so enlarged. The cat’s eyes were so big that it looked almost alien-like. Was the cat suffering?

Another Kitty Cat

Another Kitty Cat


What Now?

Paul, Jill, and the vets wanted what was best for this cat. They weren’t sure if he’d suffered some kind of trauma to his eyes or if he was in any pain. Could he even see properly? What was the best form of action?

What Now?

What Now?


The Final Decision

After much consideration, the vets decided that the best thing to do was to euthanize the cat. They believed that its quality of life would be compromised because of its disability. Paul and Jill were happy to have found him so he wouldn’t suffer anymore.

The Final Decision

The Final Decision


But There’s More

While at the vet, Paul and Jill came across Hidey, yet another cat, whose elderly owner wasn’t able to care for her. This was a different case altogether, but they couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor cat. What happened to her wasn’t her fault.

But There’s More

But There’s More


Great At Hiding

Hidey was given this name because she loves hiding in unusual spots. Hidey’s owner was 83-years-old and unfortunately wasn’t able to provide appropriate care for her for a really long time. As a result, her fur matted so badly that she was unrecognizable.

Great At Hiding

Great At Hiding


Difficult To Groom

When cats are overweight, they’re not able to groom themselves properly and that results in matting. That was the case with Hidey, she was extremely overweight so her fur matted so much as time went by that it looked like she had dreadlocks.

Difficult To Groom

Difficult To Groom


What Was The Solution?

Her owner wasn’t able to care for her so someone confiscated her and took him to the vet to see if they could help. The vet was shocked when they saw the state that Hidey was in. They’d never seen such a bad case of matting before.

What Was The Solution?

What Was The Solution?


Only Thing Left To Do

The team decided that the best course of action would be to shave all of Hidey’s fur off. There was no other way to remove those dreadlocks without inflicting any pain. So they put her under general anesthesia and carefully started shaving her.

Only Thing Left To Do

Only Thing Left To Do


A Complete Cat Makeover

The team of vets managed to shave off two pounds of matted fur from Hidey’s body. Not only does she look like a different cat, but she feels terrific now. That poor cat must feel so free without having to carry all that extra weight around.

A Complete Cat Makeover

A Complete Cat Makeover


Years In The Making

The vets believed that it would have taken years of neglect for her fur to mat so badly. Once all that intertwined fur was removed, the vets were able to see that she was also extremely overweight, plus now she had no home to go to.

Years In The Making

Years In The Making


A Home For Hidey

Paul and his wife were feeling quite sad after the ordeal that they had just gone through with his relative’s cat. But when they heard that Hidey needed a home, they jumped on the opportunity. They just had to wait until she was discharged from the hospital.

A Home For Hidey

A Home For Hidey


A Happy Kitty Family

That day, Paul’s feline family gained two more members: Siam and Hidey. If it hadn’t been for Paul, who knows what would have become of these beautiful cats. They now have a forever home together with the couple’s other three cats and their two dogs.

A Happy Kitty Family

A Happy Kitty Family


Learning To Trust Humans Again

It’s very possible that as a result of carrying those two extra pounds of fur and being overweight and neglected may have caused Hidey to not trust humans. So now, she’s slowly trying to adjust to a normal life with the Russells.

Learning To Trust Humans Again

Learning To Trust Humans Again


Still Hiding

Unfortunately, it is going to take a lot of time, patience, and love for Hidey to trust humans again because of years of neglect she had experienced. That’s probably why she has been hiding under the bed since arriving at the Russell’s home.

Still Hiding

Still Hiding


Giving Her Love

Paul and Jill were very patient with her. At first, they carefully took her out from under the bed to hold and caress her so she could feel loved and safe. Now, she’s coming out on her own and she’s purring a lot and enjoying the cat bed.

Giving Her Love

Giving Her Love


Pets Are A Big Responsibility

Owning a pet comes with a lot of responsibility because they have needs that need to be met for them to thrive. An elderly person can benefit from owning a pet in many ways, but unfortunately, sometimes they’re not capable of caring for them.

Pets Are A Big Responsibility

Pets Are A Big Responsibility


Some Professional Advice

CEO of the Animal Rescue League Shelter and the Western PA Humane Society, Dan Rossi, has some advice when faced with a situation like this. He explains that it’s all about providing a support system for elderly people who have pets.

Some Professional Advice

Some Professional Advice


Support From Local Shelters

He also states that local shelters should step in if they see that an elderly person isn’t able to provide adequate care for their pets. They should be willing to take pets in if there’s no other alternative where a family member can step in.

Support From Local Shelters

Support From Local Shelters


One Day At A Time

With each day Hidey is coming out of her shell more and more and is starting to trust the Russells. She’s a little standoffish, but when she wants attention, she loves being held and purrs when they caress her. We’re glad she has found her fur-ever home!

One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time


Not The Only One

Hidey isn’t the only neglected pet who has been through the mill. Unfortunately, a lot of people neglect their pets to the point where the poor animal’s health begins to deteriorate. This one Golden Retriever named Kai was on the brink of being put down before fate stepped in.

Not The Only One

Not The Only One


They Gave Up On Him

One day, 173 pound Kai was brought into a shelter by his owners, where he was left behind. The highly overweight dog could barely walk due to all the excess weight on his frame, and things weren’t looking good for him.

They Gave Up On Him

They Gave Up On Him


The End Of The Road

Since his previous owners decided he was too much to handle, they brought him to the shelter in order to be euthanized. They fully gave up on him, and if it weren’t for a kind soul, he would no longer be here today.

The End Of The Road

The End Of The Road


He Captured Her Heart

Pam Heggie, a nurse, met Kai shortly after he was dropped off immediately felt for him when she first met him. She know that he was still full of life and just needed help with shedding the extra weight bringing him down.

He Captured Her Heart

He Captured Her Heart


She Took Charge

Heggie decided to take acton and offered to foster him. Once she got him home, she quickly put him on a strict weight loss diet and exercise regimen. The veterinarian working at the shelter informed her that Kai was “the fattest dog” he had ever seen, so she knew it would not be an easy journey.

She Took Charge

She Took Charge


The Battle Ahead

Although Heggie immediately put Kai on his new health plan, she knew that it would not be a simple or quick fix. The poor dog needed to lose 100 pounds. All that extra weight made it very tough for him to walk, but she knew that she could help him do it.

The Battle Ahead

The Battle Ahead


One Step At A Time

Heggie knew that she needed to slowly ease Kai into his new routine, and that meant that she started him with three short walks per day. In the beginning, Kai would only manage five to ten steps and then would immediately need to rest.

One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time


Hard To See

Heggie shared the emotions she experienced during the ordeal. She told The Dodo, “He could walk a few steps and then he’d pant and lay down. It would just bring me to tears.” That sounds so heartbreaking!

Hard To See

Hard To See


A Different Type Of Treat

However, Heggie stayed strong and said that Kai refused to give up. Since he could not be rewarded with treats, she instead gave him praise with affection each time he accomplished a difficult task.

A Different Type Of Treat

A Different Type Of Treat


A Great Method

Heggie soon realized that taking Kai to walk in water greatly helped with his range of motion and helped him strengthen his muscles more easily. The support that the water provided helped him make great strides in his journey to a healthy weight.

A Great Method

A Great Method


Daily Commitment

As anyone who has embarked on a weight loss journey knows, it is a daily battle. Every single day counts, and each daily accomplishment adds up eventually to incredible results. Kai began slowly losing weight and was able to walk more quickly and without so much strain.

Daily Commitment

Daily Commitment


Continued Progress

Heggie took Kai to the local dog park, where he was able to socialize with other dogs and was able to exercise while playing with the other dogs at the park. The other dog parents there began to recognize him and encouraged and praised his ongoing progress.

Continued Progress

Continued Progress


The Results Started To Show

With the continued hard work and consistency, eventually Kai was able to run and jump once again. Heggie was over the moon with pride and happiness. She knew that if he was given the proper care, Kai would be able to get back to a healthy weight.

The Results Started To Show

The Results Started To Show


Kai’s Determination

Heggie praised the hard working doggie in an interview with The Dodo: “People might have given up on him, but he never gave up on himself.” She knew that he just needed to be given a chance, and through hard work and determination, Kai would do it.

Kai's Determination

Kai’s Determination


The Final Verdict

One year after taking Kai in, Heggie shared that he had hit his weight loss goal, losing an astonishing 100 pounds total! She emphasized that his determination and refusal on giving up on himself was key in his success.

The Final Verdict

The Final Verdict


The Changes Within

She also shared that Kai is no longer the same dog that she picked up at the shelter a year before. He was now full of energy and excited to play with other dogs. He loves running, jumping, and being active.

The Changes Within

The Changes Within


Making It Official

After such a powerful yearlong adventure together, Heggie knew that she could not bear to part with Kai now. She decided to make things official and formally adopted him!

Making It Official

Making It Official


Keeping Up With Fans

Heggie documented Kai’s weight loss journey via a Facebook group called “This Is Kai,” where she shared photos and updates on his progress and daily updates on the ups and downs of the journey.

Keeping Up With Fans

Keeping Up With Fans


Kai Today

Since his initial weight loss journey, Kai has been able to keep off the weight and spends a majority of his days running around with his doggie siblings. He frequently waits by the door impatiently, excited to get out and run at the park!

Kai Today

Kai Today


Continued Updates

Even though the weight loss journey is behind them, Heggie still shares up to date posts of Kai and his canine siblings in the “This Is Kai” Facebook group. It seems like this family has never been happier. It just goes to show that a little bit of kindness can go a long way and even safe a life.

Continued Updates

Continued Updates