Teen Learns a Hard Lesson When One Man Stood Up to Him

Published on December 1, 2021

It’s common for every generation to have pride and feel like they’re the best on earth. It’s quite evident and noticeable for young people. They think they can take on the world with their technological knowledge and all the devices they hold in their hands.

While the younger generation might have a better understanding of the available technology, that’s not all a person needs. They aren’t better than anyone else. It’s clear that teens these days have few manners and walk around like the entire world owes them something. However, one person refused to deal with a lack of respect for rules that one teenager showed.

The Common Rule

For most people, the subway is a space where you must fight to be allowed to sit down. This is true for those with long rides ahead or issues standing for long periods. Respect for others means taking a single seat when and if it’s available.

The Common Rule

The Common Rule

Lack of Kindness

One common misconception of those taking the subway is that they don’t have a vehicle and might prefer to use public transportation. Regardless of the reason, many people use public travel options, and there’s a huge lack of kindness for those you might encounter.

Lack Of Kindness

Lack Of Kindness