40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

Is That A Rock?

That’s not a rock, but it is a StoneFish. It would be advised to look out for these creatures when enjoying the beaches of Australia, but they’re nearly impossible to detect. The StoneFish gets its name from its impressive camouflage. Unlike most animals, this fish doesn’t bother fleeing if it’s disturbed or if it feels threatened. Instead, the StoneFish erects its venomous spines located on the top of its body. These spines are sharp and can even pierce through shoes. Their sting can be fatal, and medical attention should be sought right away.



Look Before You Put These On

Most of us don’t look inside of our tennis shoes before we put them on, but if you live in Australia…well, you might want to start doing it. As you can see right here, this woman had a scary surprise when she looked inside of her tennis shoe in the form of a snake. Though it looks small, we still don’t want to take a chance with an Australian snake!

Snake In A Shoe

Snake In A Shoe