40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

Neon Slugs

The bright pink slug pictured above is only known by Triboniophorus aff. Graeffei. It is a newly discovered slug located specifically on Mount Kaputar, an extinct volcano located in south-eastern Australia. This mountain is 1,500 ft above sea level and is home to several unique creatures like our neon friend above. Scientists are torn on why the slug is so brightly colored. Some believe it is to blend in with fallen leaves, while others think, because this slug only lives on a mountain top, it has no reason to hide.

Neon Slugs

Neon Slugs

Snake-Eating Frogs

The Australian Green Frog is one amphibian that does not mess around. This large species of frogs had been known to eat bats, other frogs, and, as you can see, venomous snakes as well. These frogs have no fear and have no reservations about venturing near human homes. Although they may not be pretty, they may be worth keeping around in case any snakes come wandering around. They are nocturnal too, so think of them as your armed guard.

Snake Eating Frog

Snake Eating Frog