This Mom Fed Her Baby a Strange Diet That Has People Scratching Their Heads

Published on October 27, 2019

There Was No Formula in This House!

There was never one time in her life that Grace ever had baby formula. Shannon breastfed her baby until Grace was ready for solid food, and when she was, Shannon kept to a Paleo plan. She was definitely not going to give Grace jarred baby food, so she decided that she would make Paleo baby food herself. Shannon knew that when people eat whole foods, like the Paleo diet contains, they stay fuller, longer, and get better nutrition. It sounded perfect.

Paleo Baby Food

Paleo Baby Food

This Was a Great Choice

Since Shannon was going to make Grace Paleo friendly food, she knew exactly what was going into her little girl’s body. She started to ween Grace off of breastfeeding by creating meals like veggies and organic chicken, and then would puree the ingredients up to make it easy for Grace to eat. This was also a good idea because Grace would start getting used to eating in the Paleo way. Of course, all of Grace’s food would be unprocessed and free of chemicals, preservatives, and processed sugar.

Jars of Paleo Baby Food

Jars of Paleo Baby Food