Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on November 19, 2019

Seriously, There is Dust Everywhere

The amount of dust in Plas Teg is likely to give an asthma patient an anxiety attack just looking at it. We have to offer our admiration and respect to Haley and Dan for making it this far. We can tell that they are both very uncomfortable, however, and it is only going to keep getting worse for them. Plas Teg still has more surprises in store, and they are not going to like them.

Dan, Haley, And Cornelia

Dan, Haley, And Cornelia

The Home Has Seen Better Days

All of the furniture in Plas Teg is original as far as Cornelia is concerned. Most of it is at least 100 years old, so it is to be expected that the furniture is a little derelict. Since the house is considered a historical site making any change to it can be very difficult and involve a lot of bureaucratic red tape.

Haley Cleaning The Bathroom

Haley Cleaning The Bathroom