Woman’s Bed Sheets Not Washed in 100 Years

Published on November 19, 2019

The Library Looks Impressive

At first glance, the library doesn’t look too bad. There are likely bugs and possibly mold in some of the books, but at least there is no food lying around. Dust aside, Cornelia has quite the impressive library. We have to wonder if all of the books are real or if the library is filled with false books, as so many in the past were to give the impression of a larger library.

The Library Is Impressive

The Library Is Impressive

It Is Part of the Original House

Plas Teg caught on fire at one point, and much of the original house was lost. The rest of the house was rebuilt largely according to the original plans. The library is one of the only rooms that are still original. Dan mentions that he can still smell the fire in the room. Thankfully it looks like the books were spared from the flames. We certainly wouldn’t mind having a personal library like this.

We Would Love A Personal Library

We Would Love A Personal Library