People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

Not the Bees!

Bugs, more specifically bees, strike fear into the hearts of many. Their painful stings and annoying buzzes make us want to steer clear of the nasty pests as much as possible. Doing so is kind of hard to do if you’re trying to head to work the next morning, only to see that they are now using your vehicle as a portable bee hive. At this point, all you can do is call a beekeeper, or set your car on fire.

Car Covered In Bees

Car Covered In Bees

An Inky Dilemma

This isn’t the first time a printer’s toner has exploded inside its host, and it will definitely not be the last. Installing it is slightly tricky, and if done wrong, it can result in the inky mess seen below. Office printers are usually pretty expensive, so the likelihood of them having to spend an abundance of money for another is inevitable. The mess itself may take hours, even days to clean, a job most would not want to volunteer for.

A Printer Surrounded By Toner

A Printer Surrounded By Toner