People Who are Not Having Their Best Days Ever

Published on November 17, 2019

 The Irony of a Cut

The many things a band aid can be used for. They can stop our bleeding, lower the risks of infections, keep bacteria from entering our bloodstream; they have plenty of benefits. The box, however, never had much use other than holding those precious blood stoppers, until now. Now, you too can have a box that gives you an immediate reason to use its product, just head down to the grocery store and purchase a box for only $4.99. Results may vary.

Man With Cut Finger

Man With Cut Finger

Drunk Guy Lost His Pizza

Pizza has become a staple in the American diet since its introduction. With pizza night and the occasional frat party, it has become the most sought-after food item across the states. Ordering it while drunk, however, is probably not the best idea. Whatever the cost of that pizza was, it was most certainly not worth it. The pizza looks to be missing a few toppings as well, only three slices of pepperoni appeared to make it onto the pizza.

Man With Pizza On The Floor

Man With Pizza On The Floor