Rude Bosses Shamed for Unfriendly Behavior

Published on October 16, 2019

Unprofessional Behavior

There are many things that bosses are expected to do in the business world. No matter what industry they are in, supervisors and managers are supposed to be professional and maintain an air of authority. However, this person’s boss let all of that break down when they started exchanging words with a homeless person outside their restaurant. One employee said that her boss and the other man ended up in a knife fight right outside the business, in front of everyone.

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Dealing with an Awful Boss

Unfortunately, not everyone has the power to quit their job if their boss is being rude. There are so many different reasons why this could be the case. The good news is that there are ways to cope with having a stressful work environment or a horrible boss. Studies suggest that doing some meditation or deep breathing exercises at work could significantly reduce your stress. Another great way to relax is by listing the things you are grateful for and trying to change your negative mentality.

Stressed Employee

Stressed Employee