Rude Bosses Shamed for Unfriendly Behavior

Published on October 16, 2019

Wasteful Boss

The food industry is notorious for wasting millions of dollars’ worth of food every single day. Is it too much to ask that their employees could eat some? Apparently, for some bosses, it is. When employees had to watch piles and piles of pizza being thrown away, they were not impressed. Unfortunately, no matter how many times they asked to take some home, their boss kept on saying no. One employee even referred to the situation jokingly as a “catastrophe of epic proportions.”

Pizza in Garbage Bin

Pizza in Garbage Bin

Unsafe Building

Being a boss is not just about making your employees happy and helping guide them at work. It’s also about keeping track of things around the workplace and ensuring that health and safety guidelines are met. However, cutting corners in this area in an attempt to budget or save time is not uncommon. This employee noted that their boss refused to fix a glaring structural issue in their workplace. Many employees were even scared to come to work, but the boss refused to get anything done.

Structural Issue

Structural Issue