Photos to Make You Reconsider Cruise Booking

Published on October 30, 2019

The Ship You Expect

Have a look at the picture below. Chances are that it doesn’t strike you as something new or majestic. It does have a luxurious look, but you’ve probably seen these kinds of ship pictures so many times that you’ve become desensitized to them. No one can blame you really, as these are the pictures you see in the media. These are also the kind of pictures used by cruise companies, which helps to cement the idea in your head where their ships are concerned.

Majestic Ship

Majestic Ship

Cruise Ship Reality

This is where your glowing admiration and impression of cruise ships come to a crashing halt. It is important to say that the picture below isn’t representative of all ships, as some of them are truly immaculate. However, the reality is that this isn’t always the case, and many ships look as if they’ve taken a serious beating. In many cases, they really have as they’ve been around for decades. So, if the ship looks a bit different from what you imagined, you shouldn’t be too surprised.

Worn Cruise Ship

Worn Cruise Ship

The Titanic Scene Dream

Some movies are known to really get the imagination, and one of the most notable at sea is Titanic. While the movie’s end was a bit tragic, many people hope to create the legendary romantic scene by the sunset. It really does look like the true definition of romance, and there’s nothing wrong with experiencing a bit of that. The setup is simple. Leonardo DiCaprio holds Kate Winslet as she spreads her arms in a flying position. Isn’t a cruise ship just the perfect place for this?

The Iconic Titanic Scene

The Iconic Titanic Scene