Get To Know The Culture Of The Amish People

Published on February 17, 2022

Largest Population

98% of Amish live in the United States, with a total population of 355,660 as of June 2021. Older Order Amish live in 31 different states. The majority of Amish live in Pennsylvania, with about 84,000 Amish living there. About 80,200 live in Ohio, and about 61,000 live in Indiana. West of the Mississippi River, the largest population of Amish reside in Missouri.

Largest Population

Largest Population

Education Through 8th Grade

Education is not continued past the eight grade in the Amish community, as it is believed that the basic knowledge that is acquired up until then is enough. It is very rare for any Amish to go to high school, and still even more rare for any to attend college. Most Amish schools are schoolhouses consisting of one room with teachers from the community itself.

Education Through 8th Grade

Education Through 8th Grade