Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain Battles Insurance Company

Published on October 15, 2019

It’s Much Easier to Handle Her Condition

Gabby’s growing up, so she understands what not to do. As a baby, her parents couldn’t tell her to stop chewing her tongue; she didn’t understand what they were saying. She did learn to say “ouch” when she bumped into something so that someone was alerted to the issue and could watch for any troubling signs. Now, she’s learned that, even though she doesn’t feel it, it could still be painful or damaging.

Gabby, Her Mom, And Her Sister

Gabby, Her Mom, And Her Sister

There Are Still Some Issues

It’s not all roses living in a world without pain. One day, Gabby told her father that her back felt funny. She couldn’t describe it any better, but her parents took a look. They pressed on it, noticed a warm bump, and took her to the doctor the next day for a scheduled appointment. Once X-rays were taken, it was found out that Gabby had broken her back! You may wonder how that’s even possible, but when you can’t feel it, you just don’t know.

Gabby Posing For A Picture

Gabby Posing For A Picture