Is This Kid from Mars? Scientists Might Agree that He is…

Published on November 10, 2019

What Are Solar Winds?

Most people assume that the sun produces light and energy, and this is true, but it is not the whole story. The sun, like all stars, is performing nuclear fusion in order to produce energy. This energy is released in the form of light, both visible and invisible. Along with this energy, however, it also produces solar winds. Solar winds are stray atoms that have been released by the star and are flying out toward the edge of the solar system. Technically, anything within the solar winds is considered inside of the atmosphere of the sun, so Earth is literally inside of the sun right now.

The Northern Lights Are A Result Of Solar Winds

The Northern Lights Are A Result Of Solar Winds

How Does That Work?

As the atoms are released from the sun, they travel through space virtually unopposed. You can think of the release as being similar to the stream of hot air that comes off of a fire. It is similar, but without a great source of gravity, the winds are free to go in every direction.

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Fire Acts Weird In Space