Top 40 Worst Hairstyle’s Ever Created

Published on November 3, 2019

I’m a Barbie Girl

There are too many things wrong with this image. The eyebrows clash with the golden color of the hair. The man’s smile looks unrealistic, it’s hard to tell if it has been Photoshopped or if it’s actually real. The money shirt seems a bit on the nose due to the hair, which surely blinded the photographer during the flash. This person should get their own reality TV show, at least then we can all find out if they are indeed, real.

Golden Hair

Golden Hair


Most people who begin to lose their hair either buy millions of products in the hopes of saving it, accept their fate and shave it, or come over what little they have left in a fatal attempt to hide the ever-growing bald spot. This man opted for the latter. The comb-over has been around for centuries, and not once has it ever fooled anyone into thinking a person had a full head of hair. It may be best to accept that you’re balding.

Comb Over

Comb Over