Behind-the-scenes Photos Reveal How Movie Magic Happens

Published on October 15, 2019

Hanging out of a Helicopter Requires a Lot of Money

Have you ever seen anyone hang out of a helicopter while it’s flying? It might be fiction, but it makes for great movies. It also costs more than you think, so don’t try it at home. No one will ever forget Arnold Schwarzenegger holding Jamie Lee Curtis while hanging out of a helicopter. Three Marine Harriers (and pilots) were paid $100,736 to be on-site and shoot this scene.

True Lies (1994)

True Lies (1994)

The Tiniest of Aliens

Most movie producers want to depict aliens as being large, green, or otherwise fearsome. However, one creator wanted to do the complete opposite. Men in Black focused on a variety of aliens, but none as adorable as this one. You can easily see that this tiny alien looks sort of cute and is smaller than the crew person’s hand. It makes sense that the alien would be little and living in a human body. It’s less risky for them.

Men In Black (1997)

Men In Black (1997)