Get Ready For A Huge Payday If You Find One Of These Common Items In Your Home

Published on January 16, 2023

Original Star Wars Toys

When the first Star Wars film was released in 1977, nobody could have predicted just how popular it would prove to be. When it spurred sequels, many action figures and toys were made in anticipation. Those toys are now worth quite a lot. A Luke Skywalker original toy can earn you $25,000! Even an original toy of the Falcon Millennium ship could earn $3000.

Original Star Wars Toys

Original Star Wars Toys

American Girl Dolls

Many kids who grew up in the 1980’s and 1990’s played with American Girls dolls, which also had accompanying movies and books. Now, they’re worth a pretty penny. A Samantha doll was sold on eBay for about $4200. Many of the other dolls are still quite valuable, even if they’re not in the original package.

American Girl Dolls

American Girl Dolls