Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

Sanita Was Doomed from the Start 

It’s unknown how long Sanita was in her mother’s home after the snake bit her. No one knows how long the first responders took to get on the scene. Though CPR was provided, Martin had already been convulsing and in cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived. Inevitably, her death also caused the death of her unborn baby, and her 3-year-old son is now an orphan. Her story stands as a warning to pregnant women everywhere, so her death wasn’t in vain.

Sanita Martin With Her 3 Year Old Son

Sanita Martin With Her 3 Year Old Son

A Warning to All Pregnant Women

Though it seems over-the-top, pregnant women should consider where they live and be mindful of where they go and step. It’s ideal to stay in public places and not be in the wilderness. That way, if you do get bitten by a snake, you’re near to a hospital. You may also want to talk to the local hospital staff to find out if they have anti-venom for all types of snakes in the area.

Pregnant Woman And Snake

Pregnant Woman And Snake