Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

What It Could Do to Angie

Having an emergency C-section wouldn’t just adversely affect her baby. Because it was a surgical procedure, there would be some blood loss. This is normal, but Angie was also dealing with the venom in her foot, which had traveled to her leg. The excess blood flow could also increase the flow of venom throughout her body. With the poison moving quickly throughout the limbs, it might reach her heart faster, inevitably killing her.

Doctor Marking The Spread Of The Venom

Doctor Marking The Spread Of The Venom

How the Doctors and Angie Saved Two Lives

The doctors prepared a room and got Angie prepped to surgically remove her son from the womb. Within less than an hour, baby Corbin was delivered using a Caesarian section. Once Angie was sure her baby was safe in the doctor’s arms, she allowed them to administer the anti-venom to save her life. Luckily, the doctors moved swiftly enough that her act of heroism saved two lives that day.

Doctors Preparing For A C Section

Doctors Preparing For A C Section