Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

The Mother

If the crew could find the mother, they would have their answer about the type of animal they were saving! The team wandered around local streets looking for an animal that would be out of place. They checked exposed garbage, dumpsters, and alleyways for hiding spots. However, as much as they looked, they couldn’t seem to find any stray or wild animals. How were they supposed to find a creature that obviously didn’t want to be found?


Hide and Seek

Night Critters

The team considered the wild animal scenario, and thought that they might be searching during the wrong time of day. Lots of wild animals were more active at nighttime, so the mother could potentially be miles away without any worry in her mind! The team didn’t know if they could wait that long for the mother; these babies may not be able to survive another night on their own. The men and women would never forgive themselves if they came back and it was far too late.


Hard to Catch