Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

A Call

Mark Jenkins was one of the men in charge during the puppy rescue, and he left his number with the office in case anything went wrong. He assumed he’d never get a call, but it was only shortly after the rescue when his phone rang. It was the veterinary clinic! Mark instantly became worried. Had something happened with the puppies? Was one of them sick? He’d grown fond of the animals and wanted them to be okay.


Something Wrong

Shocking Surprise

The vet assured Mark that nothing was wrong with the puppies—they were fine! However, it was actually the word “puppies” that was wrong. Mark sat down in shock as the story unfolded. The vet revealed that the animals they had saved were not actually puppies! Mark was stunned, and even laughed out loud! He was certain that those animals were dogs. So, what were they? The animals they had actually saved …were foxes! Mark couldn’t believe it!


The Call