One Black and One White Twins – What Do They Look Like 18 Years Later?

Published on October 22, 2019

Not Just One Tiny Baby

During the ultrasound, the Aylmers were told by their doctor that they should prepare for two little ones. Of course, millions of thoughts rushed through the couple’s head. They already knew what was in store because they had three of their own, but two more was a bit to take in. Donna was just glad to hear that both of the babies were developing at a normal rate and deemed healthy at such a young age in the womb.

Ultrasound Photos Of The Twin Girls

Ultrasound Photos Of The Twin Girls

How Common Are Twins?

You may not realize it, but having twins is actually quite uncommon. Identical twin pregnancies only occur in one out of every 250 births. If you were to have fertility treatments, you do increase the risk of having twins. However, this is often fraternal twins and not the identical twin variety. Fraternal twins are more common, with the mother having a one in 17 chance if the mom is a fraternal twin, as well.

The McClure Twins (YouTube Sensations)

The McClure Twins (YouTube Sensations)