Discover What Broke These Two Mothers’ Hearts

Published on November 25, 2019

Over Three Years Later

Mother X wished she had listened to her intuition all those years ago as she prepared to meet her daughter. She had attended counseling in order to prepare herself for the emotional ordeal but still found herself sobbing as she embraced her daughter for the first time. The other mother, we shall call her Mother Z, was equally emotional. Both mothers were now facing a question that seemed impossible to answer. What are we going to do next?

Both Moms And Kids

Both Moms And Kids

The Trauma of Discovery

From the moment a family discovers the sad truth of their child not being their own, to the child suddenly losing their identity and now knowing who they are, there are many psychological traumas that follow such a discovery. For a couple in Tehran, they discovered the fatal mistake after a year; however, for some parents, they do not have the same luxury of uncovering this mistake till the child is well into their adulthood.

Psychological Trauma

Psychological Trauma