Discover What Broke These Two Mothers’ Hearts

Published on November 25, 2019

The Courts Get Involved

For two grueling years, this case sat in court as judges deliberated on the appropriate decision. It wasn’t until November of 2015, that the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria made the decision that each child would stay with the psychological parent. Meaning that Mother X would keep her son, and Mother Z would keep her daughter. The court deemed that this would have the least negative psychological effect on the children. What did the mothers think?

North Gauteng High Court

North Gauteng High Court

Why Did The Courts Come To This Decision? 

This story made headline news across the world for apparent reasons. Everyone wanted to know the fate of these children as a story like this generally only appears in soap operas. The court’s final decision left many people satisfied, angry, and confused. Was the final decision fair to the mothers? The answer is, it doesn’t matter. The court held only the well-being of the children in their minds as they deliberated over this complicated situation. They concluded that swapping the children would be detrimental to their mental health.

Nurse Holding Two Babies

Nurse Holding Two Babies