Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

Not Failsafe

IUI treatment has been used for decades to help couples with fertility issues to conceive. While it can and is successful for some couples, it can be a frustrating and lengthy process, with the costs and time invested being a real challenge for many couples. It is worth considering that the success rate per cycle for couples going through IUI treatment is roughly 20%- no wonder David and Lauren didn’t expect it to work for them.

A Diagram Depicting The IUI Process

A Diagram Depicting The IUI Process

An Unlikely Solution?

When they returned home, David and Lauren began the process of IUI treatment, despite not expecting it to be successful, and feeling they would eventually need to try other methods of conceiving. According to David, the process took approximately two weeks for the couple, and had a 25% chance of success, with a 25% of conceiving twins if the conception was successful. However, despite the tough odds, Lauren successfully fell pregnant!

A Depiction Of Fertility Treatment In Action

A Depiction Of Fertility Treatment In Action