Woman Gets The Last Laugh After Dealing With An Unruly Neighbor

Published on November 18, 2021

She Went For It

She tried to free her car but to no avail. She walked over to Davao and took out her phone to call the police. Once the cops showed up, they realized that they had stumbled into a big group of angry people that were all demanding consequences.

She Went For It

She Went For It

Hearing The Story

The car owners demanded that Davao be taken into custody. The police asked to hear the whole store from Davao. They listened to his story and realized that they had to agree with him since he was the owner of the land. They made sure that he did not actually damage any of the cars and let the drivers know that there’s nothing that could be done for them because they had technically been trespassing.

Hearing The Story

Hearing The Story