Vintage Ads That You Won’t Believe Were Ever Printed

Published on October 13, 2021

Tipalet (1960s)

There’s no better way to woo a woman than to blow smelly cigarette smoke in her face, face? This type of advertisement is outdated on two counts: for its misogyny as well as its glorification of smoking cigarettes in the first place. This type of advertisement would never be able to run today.

Tipalet (1960s)

Tipalet (1960s)

Schlitz Beer (1960s)

This Schlitz Beer ad from the 1960’s shows us that there was a time where beer cans did not come with a pop tab. Can you imagine having to get out a can opener in order to crack open a nice cold brew? We’re glad that companies have since innovated and made things much easier.

Schlitz Beer (1960s)

Schlitz Beer (1960s)