40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

Is That A Snake?

At first glance, it may look like a snake, but this is actually a giant earthworm, or Digaster longmani if you want to be technical. This worm has no skeleton, no eyes, and no lungs, but it does possess five hearts, which it uses to pump fluid around its body. Although it poses no threat to humans, it’s still not something most people would want to see hanging around their garden. Luckily these massive worms, which can grow to be up to 3ft long, prefer to live deep underground. Only after heavy rain will you see these worms above ground.

Is That A Snake?

Is That A Snake?

No Thanks, I’ll Walk

Someone needs to hand an “Out of Order” sign on that fuel pump. Apparently, in Australia, a task as mundane as filling up your fuel tank has the potential to kill you. How that snake got there is a mystery, but let us all hope that nobody had the misfortune of using that fuel pump. By the looks of his head, it would appear this snake is a python and not of the poisonous variety, making him slightly less dangerous to handle. Any volunteers?

No Thanks, I'll Walk

No Thanks, I’ll Walk