40 Reasons Australia is the Land of “Nope”

Published on October 20, 2019

Out Of This World

This alien-like creature is actually a sea anemone, or more specifically, the Striped (sometimes known as Armored) Anemone. If you think this creature looks dangerous, then you would be absolutely right. These anemones possess a potent toxin that can cause severe burning sensations and take months to heal. This animal even has the ability to shoot the toxin, so it is best advised to not go anywhere near it, including the seemingly dead ones that wash up on the beach.

Out Of This World

Out Of This World

Heart Attack-Inducing Sign

“Oh look, a sign. I wonder what the other side of that sign says…. Oh, no.” Whoever had the misfortune of reading this sign after traipsing around the other side of it, must have felt their heart fall into their stomach. Tiger Snakes, known for their striped pattern, are venomous animals and extremely dangerous to humans. They are aggressive snakes, and their bite, if not treated right away, can cause muscle weakness and lung failure. Perhaps the back of the sign needs a warning as well.

Heart Attack Inducing Sign

Heart Attack Inducing Sign