Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

A Tough Decision

Kamri and her family faced a very tough decision, and neither of the choices was all that great. She could decide to have her baby delivered three full months early, or treat her symptoms and pray that the venom didn’t spread throughout her body or reach her unborn baby. Neither option was altogether ideal, but she had to make the right one for herself and her little one. Therefore, she chose to protect her baby the only way she knew how: With prayer.

Pregnant Woman's Belly

Pregnant Woman’s Belly

Risks of Delivering Early

Premature birth is always a risk, but when the baby is a full three months early, it’s almost impossible to consider. For one, their lungs and other organs aren’t fully developed. They can’t breathe on their own and require a ventilator. However, that’s not all. Babies who are born too early can also have problems with temperature control where they don’t sweat to relieve heat. Other issues can include heart, brain, and gastrointestinal issues. With all that, Kamri couldn’t bear to deliver early.

Baby Born 3 Months Early

Baby Born 3 Months Early