Pregnant Woman Bitten by a Snake Late in Her Pregnancy

Published on October 23, 2019

It Was a Miracle

She chose to wait it out, praying with all her might that the venom would stop spreading. Kamri gathered together her whole support group, and they all prayed. Her promise to God was that if the poison were ‘sucked out,’ she’d tell everyone it was His doing. Within a few agonizing hours, her treatment and prayers worked. The venom spread no further, though it wasn’t altogether out of her body.

Pregnant Woman Touching Her Stomach

Pregnant Woman Touching Her Stomach

Where She’s at Now

Since the venom stopped spreading throughout her body, she was able to go back home and enjoy the rest of her pregnancy. Of course, she was much more careful and steered clear of The Slab. She said that once she gives birth, she plans to take her baby there along with its grandfather. While she’ll be excessively nervous, the place has always brought joy and peace to her and her family.

Kamri Thompson's Swollen Foot

Kamri Thompson’s Swollen Foot