Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Gathering Together

By the time all of the puppies were out of the sewer, the firefighters had seven little puppies bundled up on the white sheet! They were all huddling together, staying close to try and get warm. They all looked the same, with long tails and black fur. It was a very cute sight, but time was ticking for these little pups. They would need milk, warmth, and baths before they were cleared as healthy. So far, the rescue had been a success!


So many Puppies

The Real Answer

After the puppies were safe and sound, the team began to interview the woman who had called them. They wanted to find out whatever they could, to see if they could figure out who had put them in that sewer. It was a good thing they spoke to this lady, since she was able to dispel the rumors! She had actually seen the puppies entering into the sewer; they hadn’t been put there by anyone!


Getting Answers