40 Times The Internet Solved Our Problems

Published on October 20, 2019

Is This A Toilet?

If you ever find yourself in a bathroom in Germany, you may notice a unique porcelain bowl, unlike anything else in the bathroom. Is it a toilet do you wash your hands in it? It is actually a device called a Speibecken, and it serves only one purpose: it’s a puke sink. These sinks are commonplace in German bars, and many frat houses on German college campuses have at least one of these. Beer is part of the culture in Germany, and they have embraced every part of that culture, even the not so glamorous parts.

A Speibecken

A Speibecken

Washed Up “Goo” On A Beach

This strange cluster of gooey capsules looks like a washed-up jellyfish or sea anemone, but it is actually a cluster of squid eggs. These particular squid eggs belong to the Market Squid. Unlike its larger counterparts, these squids are relatively small and don’t stray far from shore, so it’s not uncommon for their eggs to end up on beaches. Each capsule that you see if full of eggs. A Market Squid is capable of laying 50-300 eggs at a time, and these eggs can even have different fathers.

Market Squid Eggs

Market Squid Eggs