40 Times The Internet Solved Our Problems

Published on October 20, 2019

I Just Wanted To Know The Time

The answer to this mystery is actually very heart-warming. The mysterious colors and wording on this clock serve as a reminder for when patients in hospital beds need to be turned to prevent bedsores. Bedsores are nasty ulcers that occur when a person has been lying or sitting in the same position for too long. They are incredibly easy to prevent, yet they still happen much too often and can be very difficult to treat. It seems this facility genuinely cares its their patients.

Bed Sore Prevention Clock

Bed Sore Prevention Clock

Mystery Carrot And Buttons 

Someone found a plastic carrot and black round discs amongst this pile of junk. Seems a bit weird, but suspicions can be laid to rest as this is nothing more than a child’s snowman making kit. If you look at the plastic packaging, there’s a depression in the shape of a pipe. The different size black circles are for the snowman’s buttons, mouth, and eyes. So much for the days of using broken twigs and collecting pebbles to decorate your snowman.

Snowman Making Kit

Snowman Making Kit