40 Times The Internet Solved Our Problems

Published on October 20, 2019

Stay Out Of Dad’s Room 

Someone had the misfortune to find this suspicious bundle of black leather and metal on the floor of their father’s room. Like most of us, this person’s mind went to a dark place, but luckily the internet was able to put this poor soul’s mind at rest. The object is not sexual in nature; it is something called a Yaktrax. This is stretched over the bottom of footwear to give the wearer better purchase on ice, snow, and other slippery surfaces.



How Do I Use These? 

Are these scissors for mutant octopus children? While the vast majority of us could speculate for hours the purpose of these strange scissors, pre-school teachers and daycare providers from across the internet answered our questions. They’re training scissors! The young child puts their fingers in the center two holes while the teacher puts their fingers in the outer holes. This ensures the child learns how to use the tool without hurting themselves in the process. Thank you, teachers, for all you do!

Training Scissors

Training Scissors